


CoolSculpting is a noninvasive fat loss procedure that targets and eliminates troublesome fat cells using regulated cooling technology. The FDA-approved treatment, often referred to as cryolipolysis freezes fat cells, which the body then breaks down and eventually eliminates.

What Is CoolSculpting?

The brand name for a fat-freezing technique called CoolSculpting is designed to remove stubborn fat from specific body areas. The process is known as cryolipolysis.

Cryolipolysis was developed as a result of research into the effects of frostbite on fat. Compared to skin, fat freezes at a higher temperature. Your fat is destroyed by the cryolipolysis machine’s cooling process, which spares your skin and other tissues.

How Does CoolSculpting Operate?

Cryolipolysis doesn’t involve needles and isn’t considered surgery. Between two paddles, the device holds the body portion your doctor wants to target. Your doctor keeps the paddles in place for approximately 35 to 1 hour and 15 minutes, and they quickly cool. About 20% to 25% of the fat cells in the targeted area are destroyed during that period.

You might begin to notice some improvements in a few weeks, but the complete results might not be visible for several months. Over time, your immune system gradually eliminates the dead fat cells.

Who Is It For?

If you’ve tried diet and exercise but still have a fat bulge that won’t go away, CoolSculpting can be a viable alternative. It won’t aid in weight loss because it simply targets little areas of fat. However, it’s an excellent option if you want to “contour” or smooth out a certain area of your body.

Cryolipolysis can be used by a physician to eliminate fat cells in regions such as:

Applying a specialized cooling device to particular body parts, such as the arms, thighs, belly, flanks, or under the chin, is how CoolSculpting works. The body gradually eliminates the dead fat cells over the next few weeks, giving the illusion of greater sculpting. The freezing temperature crystallizes fat cells without harming the surrounding tissues.

  • Under the chin and jawline
  • Thighs
  • Belly
  • Back and sides
  • Under the butt
  • Upper arm

BMI criteria for CoolSculpting However, those with a normal BMI (i.e., between 18.5 and 25) benefit from it the most. Two or three therapy sessions may be required if your BMI falls between 25 and 30.

Can visceral fat be reduced with CoolSculpting?

Fat comes in two varieties: visceral and subcutaneous. The type of fat you may be more familiar with is called subcutaneous fat, and it includes the excess weight around your hips, ankles, and stomach as well as other regions where fat is visible.

Visceral fat is found deeper within your body and serves as a cushion for your organs. Excess visceral fat may not be visible, but it can increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

The subcutaneous fat close to your skin’s surface can be frozen with CoolSculpting. However, it does not affect visceral fat.

Who must stay away from CoolSculpting?

Losing weight is not possible with cryolipolysis. Consult your physician about altering your diet and exercise regimen if you need to reduce weight. CoolSculpting is probably not as beneficial as liposuction or weight reduction surgery if you need to shed a lot of weight.

Reducing the quantity of fat cells in a tiny target area is thought to be safe and effective with CoolSculpting. It is not advised for the treatment of obesity and is not regarded as a method of weight loss.

The process is intended to aid in the dissolution of recalcitrant fat cells, which typically only decrease with diet and exercise.

Surgery like CoolSculpting is not recommended for people with compromised immune systems. Serious health issues can also arise for people with specific diseases that impair or alter the body’s resistance to the cold.

Additionally, you should refrain from using cryo-lipolysis if you have:

  • Loose skin
  • Unhealthy skin tone
  • A disorder known as cryoglobulinemia causes your blood’s aberrant proteins to thicken in cold weather.
  • A skin disorder called cold urticaria develops hives when it gets cold.
  • When exposed to cold temperatures, a kind of anemia known as paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria causes your red blood cells to be destroyed.
  • Chilblains, pernio, or Raynaud’s phenomenon (diseases that impair blood flow at cold temperatures)
  • An infection
  • A hernia

Also, you should stay away from it if you:

  • Unable to tolerate cold
  • Are you nursing or pregnant?
  • Obese

Areas that should not undergo cryo-lipolysis include:

  • Varicose veins
  • Nerve issues
  • Lesions or rashes
  • Many scars
  • inadequate blood flow
  • Pregnancy, trying to conceive, and nursing cold agglutinin disease, an autoimmune syndrome in which temperature changes damage red blood cells; cryoglobulinemia, a disorder in which proteins that ordinarily only increase in response to cold are in unusually high percentages
  • Cold spells Red blood cells that are hemoglobinuria react to temperature changes by dying.
  • Raynaud’s illness
  • Chilblains decrease cutaneous feeling or circulation at the treatment site Nerve disorders such as diabetic neuropathy
  • Immune system-related skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema
  • bleeding disorders that thin the blood, inflammatory skin disorders including dermatitis and hives, a recent injury to the skin area being treated, including scar tissue, and long-term usage of blood thinners

Ask your doctor about options such as liposuction, exercise, diet, or abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) if you fit into any of these categories.

CoolSculpting Side Effects

Cryolipolysis can be performed at your physician’s office. You shouldn’t need to plan recovery time thereafter because you should be able to resume your normal activities immediately. Driving yourself home from the appointment is acceptable.

You can experience a severe cold, tingling, hurting, and a pulling or tugging sensation on your skin throughout the procedure. As the area numbs, these sensations may disappear in a few minutes.

Following the procedure, you may have adverse effects such as:

  • Swelling
  • Paleness
  • Bruising
  • Firmness
  • Tingling, stinging
  • Aching or tenderness
  • Cramps
  • Itchiness
  • Sensitive skin
  • Sensation of pressure in the back of your throat (if your chin was used for the surgery)
  • Numbness

Infrequently, you may receive:

  • Paradoxical hyperplasia
  • Inflammation throughout the body
  • Fat cells entering the bloodstream is known as a fat embolism.
  • Lipoma (a mass of fat)
  • Excruciating or postponed agony
  • Freeze burn
  • Lightheadedness or fainting
  • Hyperpigmentation, or deep skin thickening
  • A hernia

After a while, your skin may appear less smooth. This is because the surrounding areas continue to protrude even after the treatment eliminates a tiny pocket of fat. Additional CoolSculpting procedures or liposuction can correct this.

Paradoxical fat hyperplasia

When the number of fat cells in the treated area increases rather than decreases, this condition is known as paradoxical fat hyperplasia, or paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH). In the treatment region, it may result in a big, firm, and usually painless lump beneath the skin. Additionally, you may observe a shift in your body weight.

After treatment, PAH often occurs two to five months later. No matter where you were treated, it can happen. Although the exact cause is unknown, some medical professionals believe that device failures or provider errors are to blame. As a result, the fat cells may be sufficiently chilled to promote expansion without causing their destruction.

Less than 1% of patients experience this uncommon adverse effect. It is more probable to occur.

  • You’re a man.
  • You have Hispanic ancestry.
  • During therapy, a big handpiece was utilized.
  • Your belly or abdomen was the site of the surgery.
  • Additionally, genetic factors might be involved.

PAH won’t disappear by itself. You might require:

  • A procedure called liposuction removes fat from particular bodily areas.
  • The process of removing excess skin and fat from your stomach is called an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck.
  • Deoxycholic acid injections, which can also aid in fat removal

CoolSculpting bruises

Perhaps because of the vacuum’s suction, up to 10% of CoolSculpting patients experience bruising. These bruises disappear in two weeks.

The effectiveness of CoolSculpting

Cryolipolysis is safe and effective, according to tests. There aren’t many hazards. Your liver is not damaged. Additionally, side effects are minor and disappear quickly. It reduces the quantity of fat in the targeted areas by 10% to 25% on average.

What Is the Duration of CoolSculpting’s Impact?

You can remove troublesome fat areas with CoolSculpting. However, you can still gain weight following the operation, and it won’t help you lose weight. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen is crucial.

The excess weight will most likely be distributed equally throughout your body if you do acquire weight.

  • Expectations Following CoolSculpting
  • You should be able to resume your normal activities practically soon following your CoolSculpting procedure. Remember to make a follow-up appointment.

Bruising, swelling, numbness, and redness are likely to be side effects. However, CoolSculpting might cause numbness in some people that lasts for weeks.

It’s likely that you won’t see effects immediately. This is because your body needs time to eliminate the damaged fat cells.

The CoolSculpting website states that full effects should be seen by 12 weeks, with results beginning to appear after roughly 6 weeks.

According to other examinations, it takes around three to six months following therapy to get full outcomes. According to some research, the procedure may also aid in skin tightening.

It’s crucial to maintain healthy behaviors after the treatment. After CoolSculpting, weight gain is still possible. Any weight increase will likely be dispersed equally across your body. Consult your physician to determine the best diet and exercise regimen for you.

How to accelerate the benefits of CoolSculpting

Work on how to expedite CoolSculpting outcomes is nonexistent. However, research is being done on how providers can help you have better results. For instance, right after treatment, the physician can give the area a massage.

Additional investigation is examining if the quantity of CoolSculpting sessions, the application of heat, and combination therapy with electromagnetic radiation or deoxycholic acid could enhance outcomes. However, before providers begin implementing these tactics, more investigation might be required.

Alternatives to CoolSculpting
Other methods for fat removal, reduction, or breakdown include:

  • One kind of plastic surgery that eliminates fat deposits is liposuction.
  • Laser-based heat treatments (SculpSure) that eliminate fat
  • Kybella, an injection of deoxycholic acid that breaks down fat cells, is only utilized on the chin.
  • A radiofrequency technique that uses heat to eliminate fat cells (TruSculpt, Vanquish)
  • A cold laser procedure that reduces fat cells (Zerona)
  • Emsculpt is an electromagnetic treatment that tightens muscles and breaks down fat cells.
  • Consult your physician before undergoing any cosmetic surgery.

What are the favorable outcomes?

One advantage of CoolSculpting is that fat cells are killed and eliminated from the body, in contrast to diet and exercise. This implies that gaining weight cannot cause the same fat cells to grow or return.

Other advantages of CoolSculpting include:

  • For most people, it is a low-risk surgery.
  • The majority of the risk of consequences, including infection and scarring, is eliminated since the skin barrier is unbroken or weakened.
  • Few negative effects or reactions have been documented.
  • After that, there is no need to take a break from work or regular activities.
  • As the results gradually emerge in the weeks after the procedure, they appear natural.
  • Fat cells are destroyed and eliminated from the body, which reduces the chance of regaining weight and produces long-lasting results.
  • Because fat cells are broken down uniformly throughout a skin patch, there is little chance of skin dimpling or lumps.
  • All things considered, the process can increase self-confidence, particularly when paired with weight loss from exercise and a nutritious diet.

Key Takeaways

If you’ve tried diet and exercise but are still unable to remove a persistent fat bulge, CoolSculpting can be a viable alternative. A device will be used by the provider to freeze and kill fat cells in a specific area of your body. It is generally regarded as safe, doesn’t require anesthesia, and can be performed in a doctor’s office. However, it can have certain negative effects and won’t aid in weight loss. To find out if CoolSculpting is correct for you, consult your physician.


CoolSculpting is a safe and efficient way to contour your body, especially if you suffer from localized fat deposits and are near your desired weight. Although benefits may be apparent, they are not as dramatic as those of surgery and take several months to develop. There are very few adverse effects, such as transient numbness or swelling, and the treatment is usually well tolerated.

A healthy lifestyle is crucial to preventing new fat storage, and several sessions may be necessary for the best outcomes. Speaking with a trained professional guarantee that the treatment plan will fit each patient’s objectives and expectations.


CoolSculpting: What is it?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat-loss technique that freezes and removes troublesome fat cells using regulated cooling. It is mostly used for body sculpting and has FDA approval.

What is the process of CoolSculpting?

Cryolipolysis, a technique used in CoolSculpting, freezes fat cells without causing harm to the surrounding tissue. Over time, the body gradually breaks down and gets rid of the frozen fat cells.

Which locations are suitable for CoolSculpting treatment?

Typical areas of treatment consist of:
The abdomen
affection handles (flanks)
Inner and outer thighs
upper arms
A double chin
Banana roll (behind the buttocks) Back fat Bra fat

What is the duration of a CoolSculpting session?

For each treatment location, a single session usually lasts between 35 and 60 minutes. Depending on how many places are being treated, some treatments could take longer.

What is the duration of CoolSculpting?

After just one treatment, some CoolSculpting procedures have been demonstrated to yield notable and noticeable benefits. Because the fat cells that were destroyed during the operation never grow back, the results are permanent.

Is CoolSculpting painful?

At the start of treatment, the majority of patients experience a chilling sensation and a little pressure. Although there is usually little discomfort, some people experience tingling, slight pinching, or numbness.

What is the required number of sessions?

Individual objectives and the amount of fat in the treated area determine how many sessions are needed. After one or two sessions, many patients see a considerable improvement, while some might need several treatments to achieve the best benefits.

When can I expect to get results?

As the body gradually gets rid of the frozen fat cells, effects usually start to show up 3–4 weeks following treatment and are fully apparent in 2–3 months.

What is the duration of CoolSculpting results?

Fat cells in the treated area are permanently destroyed by CoolSculpting. However, gaining weight might lead to the expansion of existing fat cells, thus it’s critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Do adverse consequences occur?

Typical adverse effects consist of:
Transient bruising, swelling, or redness
tingling or numbness in the area that has been treated
Sensitivity or mild discomfort
Although paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), in which the treated area enlarges rather than shrinks, is uncommon, severe adverse effects are uncommon.

CoolSculpting: Is it safe?

Yes, when done by qualified specialists, CoolSculpting is safe and approved by the FDA. Anesthesia is not necessary for this non-surgical procedure.

Who is a suitable CoolSculpting candidate?

Ideal applicants:
Are close to or at their desired weight.
Having obstinate fat that doesn’t go away with diet and exercise
possess a high degree of skin elasticity
CoolSculpting is not advised for obese people and is not a weight-loss procedure.


  • CoolSculpting for Fat Loss: Is it safe? (2024, September 11). WebMD.
  • Noble.Dana. (2024, April 17). What is CoolSculpting and is it safe? Mayo Clinic Press.,fat%20thickness%20in%20treated%20areas.
  • Wisco, L. (2018, June 15). CoolSculpting: Nonsurgical fat reduction. Healthline.
  • Lose belly fat and tone muscle | CoolSculpting® Official site. (n.d.).
  • Huizen, J. (2023, July 17). What are the risks of CoolSculpting?

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