Rhodiola Rosea For Fat Loss
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Rhodiola Rosea For Fat Loss

Rhodiola Rosea, a perennial herb found in frigid climes, has acquired popularity as an adaptogen, or herbal medicine that helps the body endure physical, chemical, and environmental stress.

Its chemical ingredients, such as rosavin and salidroside, are responsible for its numerous health benefits, which include weight reduction assistance and hormonal wellness for women.


Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea), often known as “golden root,” is a powerful adaptogenic herb that burns fat, boosts energy, and improves brain function. Rhodiola is an adaptogen, a type of plant that helps your body adapt to physical, chemical, and environmental stressors. Rhodiola is one of the most effective in this family because it contains active chemicals such as rosavin, which can help balance the stress hormone cortisol.

This rare herb, a member of the Rhodiola genus in the Crassulaceae plant family, thrives at high altitudes in Asia and Eastern Europe’s arctic regions. Rhodiola rosea has been used in traditional medicine systems around the world for millennia, particularly in portions of Europe, Asia, and Russia.

Rhodiola has a long history of usage in Traditional Chinese Medicine, particularly to boost stamina and reduce stress. Rhodiola was also utilized by the Vikings to increase physical strength, and the Sherpa tribe used it to climb great heights, including Mt. Everest.

Over the last 70 years, Russians have conducted considerable research on the benefits of rhodiola, mostly to improve job performance and endurance while combating insomnia, weariness, anxiety, and depression. It has also been used to detoxify the body, combat cancer, and treat tuberculosis.

What is Rhodiola?

Rhodiola rosea is a stress-relieving supplement known by several different names, including arctic root, roseroot, king’s crown, and golden root. What does Rhodiola do to assist the body cope with stress?

Rhodiola, as an ergogenic aid and adaptogen—or natural herbal medicine that is non-toxic at normal doses, produces a non-specific reaction, and has a normalizing physiologic influence—is particularly useful for improving both physical and mental energy and fighting the negative effects of stress.

It assists the body in adapting to stress by reducing or avoiding hormonal changes associated with prolonged stress. According to research, it does so via increasing stress tolerance through the action of beta-endorphins and opioid neuropeptides, as well as positively influencing other stress adaptation elements.

According to studies, Rhodiola rosea has about 40 different types of chemical components. Rhodiola contains active components such as rosavin and salidroside, which are responsible for its pharmacological actions. Rosavin is the only ingredient specific to Rhodiola rosea within the Rhodiola plant family, although salidroside is found in most other Rhodiola species.

Rosavin is found in higher amounts than salidrosides in Rhodiola rosea, with a roughly 3:1 ratio. Animal studies have shown that rosavin contributes to Rhodiola’s benefits by possessing depressive, adaptogenic, anxiolytic, and stimulating properties.


  • Reduces belly fat.

One of the many amazing properties of Rhodiola is that it allows your body to burn stored fat more efficiently for fuel. We all know that exercise can help with fat reduction, but if you want an extra boost, try taking Rhodiola alongside your usual exercise routine to speed up your weight loss efforts.

What makes Rhodiola effective in reducing belly fat? Certain animal research has discovered indications that Rhodiola rosea may diminish visceral white adipose tissue and enhance hypothalamic norepinephrine, hence preventing diet-induced obesity.

Rosavin, Rhodiola’s most active component, has been found to cause a fat-burning reaction. Rhodiola may help normalize cortisol levels, reducing cravings for harmful “comfort foods” and delaying fat buildup caused by high cortisol levels.

Rosavin stimulates an enzyme called “hormone-sensitive lipase,” which has the potential to break down fat accumulated in adipose tissue (in the abdomen). According to certain reports, combining Rhodiola extract with moderate exercise accelerates the breakdown of abdominal fat.

  • Improves energy and athletic performance.

According to research, if you’re seeking a natural way to boost energy and athletic performance, Rhodiola may be the answer. Today, one of the most prominent applications of Rhodiola is to boost energy, endurance, and strength.

Rhodiola may improve your stamina and endurance by raising red blood cell count and reducing oxidative damage. Red blood cells transport oxygen to muscles, and a higher count can significantly boost an athlete’s performance and delay weariness. Rhodiola aids the body by increasing EPO, also known as erythropoietin, which increases RBC formation.

Rhodiola, according to a study published in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, has anti-inflammatory properties that aid in muscle healing and endurance. Another study on rats discovered that supplementation with Rhodiola increased endurance by allowing the animals to swim 25% longer. The benefits occurred because rhodiola was shown to enhance ATP synthesis, which is required for cellular energy.

  • Can Help in Combating Physical and Mental Fatigue.

Rhodiola’s benefits are available to anybody, regardless of athletic background. It can help relieve not only physical exhaustion but also mental fatigue and symptoms such as brain fog or loss of concentration.

Rhodiola is also commonly used to assist patients recover from weariness caused by low-intensity but frequent exercise or activity. Rhodiola has been demonstrated to improve professional performance while also decreasing the negative impacts of sleep deprivation on the body.

A 2012 systematic review of 11 randomized, controlled trials on rhodiola’s anti-fatigue benefits concluded that “some evidence suggests that the herb may help enhance physical performance and alleviate mental fatigue.” However, further research is required.

  • Lowers cortisol levels.

One of the most common reasons individuals use adaptogenic herbs like Rhodiola is to help balance cortisol levels, which can help delay the aging process and improve appearance and well-being. Rhodiola has been shown in studies to help calm your body when your nervous system goes into “fight or flight” mode as a result of dealing with daily pressures.

When the hormone cortisol is elevated for an extended length of time, such as due to emotional or physical stress, you may suffer stress-related symptoms such as:

  • Lowered blood glucose response
  • Abdominal weight gain
  • Thyroid difficulties.
  • Hormone imbalance.
  • Decreased memory and immunity.

Maintaining healthy cortisol levels can benefit your health in a variety of ways, particularly in terms of feeling younger and more energized. High cortisol levels over time may contribute to accelerated signs of aging, increased psychosocial stress, poorer cognitive performance, atrophy of memory-related brain structures, weight gain, and exhaustion — which is why Rhodiola may be an effective anti-aging supplement.

  • Has the potential to alleviate depression and enhance brain function.

Another advantage of taking rhodiola supplements is that it has been demonstrated to boost cognitive performance and act as a natural cure for depression.

Rhodiola may assist in boosting the sensitivity of your neurons (brain and nervous system cells), which include the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. These neurotransmitters are believed to boost focus, memory, enjoyment, and overall mood, making them essential for preventing anxiety and depression.

Rhodiola has also been demonstrated in animal experiments to help repair damaged neurons in the hippocampus, which is thought to be the brain region responsible for emotion, memory, and autonomic nervous system regulation.

Many functional medicine practitioners recommend rhodiola as an excellent natural alternative to antidepressants. This works because rhodiola may increase dopamine sensitivity, which has been found to improve mood and combat food cravings and addictions.

A modest 2015 study funded by the National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) compared rhodiola to the medicine sertraline (commonly used to treat depression) and a placebo in 58 persons with mild-to-moderate major depressive disorder. The findings revealed that all treatments were equally successful in lowering depressive symptoms (there was no significant difference between groups at the end of the research), however those who took rhodiola experienced less adverse effects than those who took sertraline.

Can rhodiola also help with anxiety? A trial involving 80 “mildly anxious participants” found that the experimental group (taking Rhodiola rosea in the form of 2 × 200 mg dose Vitano®) demonstrated a “significant reduction in self-reported, Anxiety, tension, anger, disorientation, and melancholy after 14 days, and overall mood improved significantly.” There were no significant variations in cognitive function between the Rhodiola and untreated groups.

Another small pilot research of 10 anxious persons revealed that taking 360 milligrams of rhodiola daily for 10 weeks resulted in significant improvement in symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and a decrease in Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale scores.

Uses and Dose Recommendations

When should you take Rhodiola? And what is the recommended Rhodiola rosea dosage?

Here’s all you should know about rhodiola supplementation:

  • Rhodiola root extract is commonly used as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules or tablets. It can also be taken as a tincture, but most people prefer capsules.
  • Look for Rhodiola rosea as an SHR-5 extract (or a comparable extract) with about 3% rosavin and 1% salidroside.
  • The recommended daily intake of Rhodiola rosea extract (including rosavin) is 250-700 milligrams (usually divided into 1-2 doses).
  • Randomized, controlled trials have looked at a variety of Rhodiola dosages to treat illnesses like depression and exhaustion. R. rosea extract is commonly used at doses ranging from 350 to 1500 milligrams per day. Doses ranging from 8 to 300 milligrams per day have been demonstrated to help relieve fatigue. It is recommended that you do not take more than 700 milligrams per day without first consulting a doctor or being supervised.
  • Studies have indicated that ingesting a combination of C. aurantium (bitter orange) and R. rosea can help reduce obesity and health problems induced by overeating. Ashwagandha and Rhodiola appear to be helpful weight loss remedies.
  • Rhodiola should be taken approximately 15 minutes before meals. Higher doses should be divided into two doses to aid absorption (for example, one before breakfast and one before dinner).
  • Herbs, roots, and mushrooms are better absorbed when combined with a “warming herb” (such as black pepper or long pepper) and a healthy fat. Rhodiola supplement blends containing these substances may be better absorbed, though this has not been properly investigated.
  • Taking Rhodiola in fermented (pre-digested) form may also improve absorption. Check your chosen supplement for details about fermentation.

How to prepare Rhodiola rosea tea:

  • Drinking Rhodiola rosea tea, which has traditionally been used to help calm nerves, reduce anxiety, and promote peaceful sleep, is another approach to benefit from the herb. To make homemade rhodiola tea, start by purchasing dried and ground rhodiola roots.
  • Begin by steeping approximately five grams of rhodiola roots in boiling water. Either use a steeper or fill tea bags with root. Keep the water at no more than 85 degrees Fahrenheit (the boiling point is 212 degrees F). For the greatest results, brew the tea for around four hours.
  • Rhodiola tinctures and liquid extract can also be used to speed up the process when mixed with warm water and lemon or another herbal beverage, such as chamomile or green tea.

Adverse effects and precautions

What are the side effects of Rhodiola? Most people tolerate rhodiola well, and some studies suggest that it is less likely to induce negative effects than prescription medications like antidepressants.

However, taking Rhodiola orally may induce negative effects such as transient disorientation and dry mouth. If these negative effects persist, you should discontinue using Rhodiola. If you are already using drugs and want to try Rhodiola as an alternative, you should consult your doctor first before discontinuing any medication.

Most researchers agree that, while R. rosea may improve physical performance, mental performance, and some mental health disorders, additional research is needed.


  • Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen herb that can be taken as an extract or supplement to improve mental and physical stress tolerance.
  • Rhodiola’s benefits include regulating cortisol levels, aiding in fat metabolism and weight loss, combating depression and anxiety, boosting athletic performance, and preventing or treating fatigue.
  • Rhodiola is well tolerated and unlikely to cause negative effects, though it may induce temporary dry mouth or disorientation. The recommended dosage ranges from 250 to 500 milligrams administered once or twice daily.


Can Rhodiola rosea assist you in losing weight?

Rhodiola rosea is a herb that grows at high altitudes in chilly regions of Asia and Europe. It has long been used in Scandinavia and Russia to cure fatigue, altitude intolerance, and weakness, as well as to increase general physical endurance and productivity. Some people believe that Rhodiola rosea can help with weight loss.

Is Rhodiola a fat burner?

Rosavin, Rhodiola’s most active component, has been found to cause a fat-burning reaction. Rhodiola may help normalize cortisol levels, reducing cravings for harmful “comfort foods” and delaying fat buildup caused by high cortisol levels.

Does Rhodiola shrink visceral fat?

Diabetes, high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease are all linked to excessive visceral fat levels. A 2013 rodent study discovered that Rhodiola combined with citrus aurantium (bitter orange) helped reduce visceral white adipose tissue in rats with diet-induced obesity.

Can Rhodiola treat fatty liver disease?

A 2015 study on human visceral fatty cells supported prior findings that Rhodiola extracts may improve glucose and lipid metabolism. Similarly, a 2022 study found that Rhodiola’s beneficial benefits on metabolism could one day be used to cure and prevent fat accumulation in fatty liver disease.

What is Rhodiola rosea?

Rhodiola rosea has been used in traditional medicine systems around the world for millennia, particularly in portions of Europe, Asia, and Russia. Rhodiola has a long history of usage in Traditional Chinese Medicine, particularly to boost stamina and reduce stress.


  • Gillette, H. (2024, September 9). Does Rhodiola Help with Weight Loss? Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/weight-loss/rhodiola-weight-loss#health-benefits
  • Rhodiola rosea benefits, dosage and side effects – Dr. Axe. (2023, May 1). Dr. Axe. https://draxe.com/nutrition/rhodiola-rosea/
  • Julia. (2025, February 4). Rhodiola Rosea: Weight loss and hormonal health benefits for women. Health and Wellbeing News. https://www.healthandwellbeingnews.com/rhodiola/

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