Obesity Doctors

What Kind of Doctor Should I See for Obesity?

The issue of obesity is complicated. It’s possible that a general practitioner can help with weight loss. A bariatric healthcare professional has received specialized training in treating obesity and associated conditions. Another name for this kind of practitioner is a bariatrician. Many of them have also received training to do weight-loss surgery. A bariatric surgeon is the term for this kind of healthcare professional.

Obesity: What is it?

When body fat is above a specific threshold, it is considered obesity. The body mass index (BMI) is a tool used to quantify obesity. BMI calculates body fat percentages based on weight and height. Overweight is defined as having a BMI between 25 and 30. Over 30 is considered obese. Your BMI can be determined by your healthcare provider. To get your BMI, you can also use an online BMI calculator.

Which kind of physician supports your efforts to lose weight?

Anyone who has battled weight loss is aware of how draining the process can be, both mentally and physically. This is particularly prevalent if your weight has negatively impacted both your physical and mental well-being. With the help of Fitspo on the internet, many of us have attempted weight loss on our own, but it is rarely successful.

Doctors who specialize in weight loss can help with this. They can assist you in creating a safe weight loss strategy. These four categories of medical professionals can help you lose weight.

General Practitioner
If you are just trying to lose a few pounds, you should start your weight loss journey with your general practitioner. Considering your age and any underlying medical concerns, your doctor will provide you with advice on healthy weight loss strategies. To get your weight back on track, a balanced diet and regular exercise should usually be sufficient.

Your general practitioner might, however, recommend that you see a specialist if you are on the verge of becoming obese. If your body doesn’t react to regular exercise and diet, you can also be urged to see a specialist.

A bariatric specialist
They specialize in the medical management of obesity and associated conditions and are also referred to as bariatricians. Bariatric doctors ensure that their patients receive personalized workout plans and comprehensive nutritional advice. Given that some types of exercise can pose additional dangers, this is seen to be crucial for those who are obese.

Many people may decide to have surgery if, despite intense training, they are unable to achieve their desired weight. Bariatric surgeons perform weight loss procedures. If a person is severely obese and has to drop a significant amount of weight quickly to maintain their health, bariatric surgery may potentially be an option.

Thyroid and PCOD are two hormonal disorders that can significantly contribute to weight gain. Your doctor may recommend an endocrinologist if they believe that your abnormal weight gain is caused by a dysfunctional hormone secretion system.

A dietitian
Experts in food and nutrition are known as nutritionists. Seeing a nutritionist is very beneficial because food has a significant role in both weight loss and general wellness. Following a diet plan guarantees that your body receives all the nutrition it requires, even after you have reached your weight loss objective. Additionally, it keeps you from putting on weight again.

Why consult a bariatric physician?

Getting the proper treatment is crucial if you are obese. Serious health issues brought on by obesity include:

  • Diabetes
  • The condition of arthritis
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart conditions
  • A stroke
  • Apnoea during sleep
  • Liver illness
  • Some lung conditions, such as asthma
  • Some types of cancer

You can start treatment with your primary care physician. You might want to consult a bariatric healthcare professional if you require additional assistance. They can offer fresh approaches to weight loss that can be beneficial to you.

What to prepare for on your first visit:

During your initial appointment, your bariatric physician might:

Enquire about your medical history. This covers your past weight reduction, activity, and eating patterns.

Examine you physically. This comprises blood pressure, waist circumference, and BMI.

Your doctor will prescribe specific tests to examine obesity-related health factors. Additionally, they search for health issues that may contribute to weight gain. You might undergo testing like:

  • To check for diabetes, measure blood sugar levels.
  • Levels of cholesterol and lipids
  • Levels of thyroid-stimulating hormones
  • Blood testing for the liver
  • Blood testing for kidney function
  • Levels of vitamin D
  • To check the rhythm of your heart, an electrocardiogram
  • Exercise testing to assess your heart’s performance during physical activity
  • To determine how many calories you burn while at rest, use your resting metabolic rate.

Formulating a plan of treatment:

You will be given a treatment plan by your healthcare practitioner. Your medical needs and preferences will determine the plan. They are going to:

  • Assess your readiness to start an exercise regimen.
  • Assist you in setting reasonable weight loss objectives.
  • Make a diet plan for you.
  • Advise you to maintain a food journal.
  • If necessary, discuss weight-loss medications with you.

They will provide you with details regarding:

  • Good eating practices
  • Good exercise practices
  • How to modify health-related behaviors
  • The relationship between obesity and mental health
  • Obesity’s complications
  • The advantages and disadvantages of medications

Your healthcare practitioner will assess your progress at every follow-up appointment. If necessary, they will alter your plan. Your doctor may adjust some of your medications as you lose weight and your health improves. They might discuss weight loss surgery with you if you stop losing weight or gain it back.

How can I locate a medical professional with expertise in obesity?

Consult your primary care physician. He or she might be able to recommend a bariatric medical professional to you. A list of medical professionals is available online from the Obesity Medicine Association, previously the American Society of Bariatric Physicians. Along with connections to other resources on obesity therapy, the American Board of Obesity Medicine also maintains a list of medical professionals certified in obesity medicine.


Which physician is the best for treating obesity?

A bariatrician
A bariatric healthcare professional has received specialized training in treating obesity and associated conditions. Another name for this kind of practitioner is a bariatrician.

Who is qualified to diagnose obesity?

Your healthcare provider may do a physical examination and suggest certain tests to identify obesity. Taking your medical history is a common part of these examinations and tests. Your medical team may examine your past weight, weight-loss attempts, and exercise and physical activity patterns.

Which physician should I see about body fat?

An endocrinologist can help you understand your situation and the best course of treatment if you are overweight or obese and worried about a weight increase that cannot be explained in any other way.

Is obesity treatable by gastroenterologists?

After a liver transplant, gastroenterologists can address obesity comorbidity in their patients. Since the gut microbiota has a significant influence on obesity, it falls squarely under the field of gastroenterology.

Which blood test is used to diagnose obesity?

Body mass index (BMI), creatinine, calcium, phosphorous, uric acid, lipid profile, electrolytes, leptin, cortisol, T3, T4, TSH, fasting blood sugar, and urine routine are all included in the test.

What is the most effective treatment for obesity?

Eating a nutritious, low-calorie diet and getting regular exercise are the greatest ways to cure obesity. To accomplish this, you ought to: Follow your doctor’s or a weight loss management health professional’s advice to eat a balanced, calorie-controlled diet (such as a dietician).


  • Doctors who specialize in obesity. (2024, August 8). Johns Hopkins Medicine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/obesity/doctors-who-specialize-in-obesity
  • User, G. (2024, July 5). 4 types of doctors who can help you on your weight loss journey. The Broadway Clinic. https://www.broadwayclinic.com/article/4-types-of-doctors-who-can-help-you-on-your-weight-loss-journey
  • Howley, E. K. (2018, September 28). Which doctor can help me with obesity? US News & World Report. https://health.usnews.com/health-care/patient-advice/articles/which-doctor-can-help-me-with-obesity

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