Bird Dog Exercise
The bird dog is a challenging yet effective exercise that targets your core, back, glutes, and shoulders. It improves balance, stability, and posture while also helping to prevent back injuries.
The Bird Dog Exercise’s Basic Benefits and How to Do It.
By strengthening the hips, core, and back, the bird dog exercise promotes proper posture and eases low back pain. For a greater range of motion, it works on the entire body.
This exercise can help you avoid injury, align your spine, and heal from low back discomfort. It is appropriate for people of all ages, especially those who are older.
See the advantages and variants of the bird dog exercise, as well as some other exercises that use the same muscles, by reading on.
How to do the bird dog exercise
You’ll need an exercise mat for this workout. Under your knees, use a folded towel or flat cushion for additional support. A mirror can be used to assess alignment.
This is the way to accomplish it:
- In order to keep your spine neutral, use your abdominal muscles.
- You should draw your shoulder blades together.
- Raise your left leg and right arm while maintaining a floor-level hip and shoulder position.
- Lower yourself back to the beginning position after holding this position for a short while.
- Go back to the beginning. It’s a single round.
- Do 8–12 repetitions in 2–3 sets.
Proper technique and alignment tips
It is important to apply the proper techniques and arrange your body correctly to ensure that you are getting the most out of the bird dog workout.
It may seem overwhelming to learn all of the following advice while you’re undertaking this activity for the first time. To avoid learning all of these tips at once, try concentrating on a couple at a time:
- Your hips should remain level. Don’t turn your pelvis around.
- Don’t raise your leg too high or let your spine bend past its natural curve.
- From your fingertips, feel a line of energy that travels through your body and out through your toes.
- Keep your back from drooping by maintaining a neutral spine and using your core.
- Don’t let your chest fall to the floor.
- Pull your shoulder blades down and back, away from your ears.
- Be cautious and go gently.
- Breathe evenly and smoothly.
The bird dog exercise’s advantages and the muscles it targets
The bird dog exercise targets the glutes, rectus abdominis, and erector spinae. The proper movement, control, and stability of the entire body are made possible by these muscles.
For those who have low back issues, it’s the perfect workout.reputable source, including hypermobility, and it can support the development of proper posture and balance.
To reap the full advantages of bird dog position, concentrate on moving your entire body during the exercise rather than just specific muscles or motions (Trusted Source).
Using your extremities, the bird dog helps you contract your abdominal muscles and stabilize your low back. Many of your everyday and athletic motions will be easier and more mobile as a result.
Variations of the bird dog exercise
If you want to add some variation to your regimen, you can perform the bird dog exercise in a number of ways. You can change the exercise to add some variation or to make it harder. You can try these:
Weighted bird dog
- Following each extension, bring your elbow to your knee.
- With each extension of your arm and leg, twist your upper torso.
- Turn your extended wrist and ankle to release your joints.
- Free weights or ankle weights can be used to increase the resistance.
- A resistance band can be used around your hand or foot.
- Stretch your arm and leg out and pulse them. Small circles should then be drawn in both directions.
Pushup position
Doing the bird dog exercise, also known as the bird dog plank, while in the pushup position is an additional choice.
If lifting your arm and leg simultaneously is difficult for you, try the exercise with just one extremity at a time.
Another way to ensure your shoulders are parallel to the floor is to place a foam roller or light bar across them.
Perform this exercise on a low bench or stability ball to help stabilize your pelvis and ensure that your lower back isn’t overextended. By doing more repetitions with less rest in between sets, you can improve your endurance.
Altrnatives to the bird dog exercise
The same muscles are worked by a number of exercises, including the bird dog exercise. These exercises can be used in place of or in addition to the bird dog.
Rocking backward low back stretch
Stretch your low back and hips by rocking backwards to release tension and soreness. In preparation for more challenging stretches, it helps your body relax.
Bridge Pose
You can mobilize and strengthen your low back with this yoga practice. Toes looking forward, keep your feet parallel to your hips. In place of dynamic spinal rolls, place a block under your lower back. Hold for three to five minutes.
Pelvic Tilts
The pelvic tilt is a low back, glute, and abdominal workout. Put a cushion behind your shoulders or head for additional support. Keep your body relaxed and give your back a light massage with the action.
Donkey kicks
Donkey kicks build your hips, glutes, and core while also improving your stability and balance. Don’t lift your leg above your hip; instead, distribute your weight equally.
To add variation to your practice, try these donkey kick variants.
An exercise that works well for most individuals is the bird dog. Make careful to see your physician before beginning any exercise program if you are on any drugs or have any health issues.
Perform the bird dog exercise alone for a few minutes each day, or include it into your existing fitness regimen.
Be sure you breathe, use the right form, and use the right technique.
Exercises like bird dog improve muscles and ease low back pain. When you are in pain, it is acceptable to perform stretches as long as you are gentle and don’t overdo it.
What is the bird dog?
The verb bird-dog, which means “to closely watch someone or something” or “to doggedly seek out someone or something,” was first used in the early 1900s. A well-trained bird dog, or hunting dog trained to hunt or retrieve birds, is likely to possess the skills reflected in both interpretations.
Is bird slang for girl?
A girl or young woman, primarily in British slang.
How strong is bird dog?
According to Denis, the full-body workout is more for coordination, balance, and stability than strength. Since your knee and hip are already very powerful, they bear a large portion of the weight when you are load bearing.
Is bird dog easy?
The Bird Dog is a full-body, uplifting workout that also helps you strengthen your core and balance. (Three times the advantages.) Though light enough for novices, this yoga pose is also beneficial for experienced Sun Salutation practitioners.
- Cronkleton, E. (2023, October 27). How to perform the bird dog exercise and its core benefits. Healthline.
- Rogers, P. (2024, June 28). Bird dog exercise: proper form, variations, and common mistakes. Verywell Fit.
- AB Exercises | Bird-Dog. (n.d.).
- bird-dog. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster Dictionary.