Best Bottom Belly Fat Exercise
Targeting bottom belly fat requires exercises that engage the lower abdominal muscles while promoting overall fat loss. Some of the most effective moves include reverse crunches, leg raises, and plank variations like the low plank and side plank.
Combining these with full-body cardio and a balanced diet helps burn calories and tone the lower abs for a flatter, stronger midsection.
It’s typical to notice an increase in belly fat collection along the waist as people age. This is typically due to the fact that when fat grows with age, muscle mass reduces.
A number of health issues are linked to excess belly fat, including:
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Type 2 diabetes
- Breathing problems
- Heart disease
Controlling your abdominal fat is a smart idea because of these risks. Visceral, intramuscular, and subcutaneous fat are the three different forms of belly fat. The layer of fat directly beneath your skin is known as subcutaneous fat. Your muscle fibers contain intramuscular fat.
Visceral fat is the kind that is between your organs and is found deep within your abdomen. An excessive amount of visceral belly fat can cause a number of health issues, even if your weight and body mass index (BMI) are acceptable.
Exercises to workout benefits:
The core, which forms the basis of all movement, includes the muscles of the lower abdomen. In addition to supporting the spine, a strong core aids in posture and balance. Our deep core muscles, which specifically support and stabilize your spine, are the focus of lower-ab activities. By increasing your mobility and reducing the tension on your back, strengthening these muscles will make it easier for you to carry out regular chores and physical activities.
A strong lower abs can also help athletes perform better since they increase the body’s capacity to produce power and sustain endurance. People can attain a more functioning and balanced core by concentrating on lower ab exercises, which will enhance their physical health and general well-being.
Improved Muscular Strength and Endurance
- Simple bodyweight exercises can help build and strengthen the at least twenty-nine muscles that make up our bodies’ trunks.
- By strengthening your core and improving your posture, this kind of exercise can not only help you achieve tighter, thinner abs but also ease lower back discomfort and improve your overall performance.
Increased Flexibility
- It’s not necessary to have rigid joints and tense muscles to engage in resistance training. Dynamic stretching, a common component of bodyweight workouts, enhances general mobility and flexibility. By performing the exercises using your entire range of motion, you can make sure your joints are moving freely.
Improved Balance and Coordination
- Stabilizing your body is necessary for bodyweight workouts, which enhance your coordination and balance. It improves one’s awareness and control of one’s body.
Reduced Risk of Injury
- Bodyweight workouts are an excellent method to lower the risk of injuries brought on by incorrect lifting techniques because they don’t require the use of external weights or equipment.
Exercises to Help With Belly Fat
While there are numerous exercises available, not all of them are equally effective at reducing belly fat. Adding physical activity to your regular routine, however, is a terrific way to burn off excess belly fat, according to doctors and scientists.
Aerobic or Cardio Exercise
The first step in burning visceral fat is to incorporate aerobic exercise, or cardio, into your daily routine for at least half an hour. Aerobic workouts for belly fat have been shown to help reduce both liver and belly fat.
Among the best aerobic and cardio exercises for abdominal obesity are:
- Walking, especially at a quick pace
- Running
- Biking
- Rowing
- Swimming
- Cycling
- Group fitness classes
Make sure the cardio exercise you choose is something you love doing. In this manner, your motivation will increase and you will look forward to working out.
HIIT or Interval Training
Short bursts of intensive exercise are interspersed with lower-intensity movements and rest intervals in interval training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). According to research, HIIT activities for belly fat will help you lose weight and get in better physical shape overall.
Even though these exercises are short, they train your complete body and raise your heart rate. The following motions are among the assortment of activities included in each routine:
- Pushing
- Pulling
- Squatting
- Deadlifting
- Loaded carries
A typical HIIT workout consists of 30 seconds of vigorous exercise followed immediately by 30 seconds of recovery before going on to the next task. To get the most out of the sequence, repeat it a few times.
People of all ages and fitness levels can try these HIIT exercises:
- Jumping jacks
- Burpees
- Pushups
- Jump squats
- High knees
Select a few HIIT exercises to begin with for abdominal fat. After 30 seconds of one exercise, take a 30-second break. After completing the next task, take a break. You can repeat the cycle a few more times after completing all the tasks.
Weight and Resistance Training
A key component of losing belly fat is weight training. Having more muscle tone can help you burn off more fat since when the body is at rest, muscles burn off more calories than fat. Resistance training, which includes weight training, has also been shown by researchers to raise lean weight while decreasing fat and increasing metabolism.
You can incorporate the following weight training routines for abdominal fat into your routine:
- Bicep curls
- Lunges
- Squats
- Tricep kickbacks
You can perform 12 repetitions of these exercises using smaller weights, such as 5 to 8 pounds. Using larger weights, fewer repetitions, and rest periods in between sets provides an additional choice.
Abdominal Exercises
Abdominal exercises can assist in fighting belly fat because it adhere to the stomach and waist area. In addition to giving you a fantastic workout, they can help tone and flatten your tummy.
People of all ages can benefit greatly from these workouts. The following are some at-home abdominal exercises for belly fat:
- 60-second planks
- Bicycle crunches
- Abdominal crunches
- Leg lifts
Lower Ab Workouts
In order to enhance posture, stability, and balance in day-to-day activities, these workouts aim to develop and target specific lower abdominal muscles.
The majority of ab workouts may be performed without the need for additional equipment. However, a few of the following maneuvers do call for towels or sliders.
Mountain Climbers
- Climbing mountains works your core and your entire body. Additionally, they are a type of cardio, meaning that performing them raises your heart rate.
- Put yourself in a plank position to begin. This entails using your arms to raise your body off the ground (like the “up” posture of a pushup). Keep your pelvis slightly tucked in and your body straight. Place both hands on the floor and your arms shoulder-width apart. With your feet together, extend your legs behind you.
- Move your right knee slowly to your chest and back again once you’re in this position. Bring your left knee to your chest and then bring it back. One repetition (rep) is this.
- To work the rectus abdominis, a pair of muscles that run down your belly and make up the majority of your abdominal muscles, pick up the tempo and move swiftly.
- For optimal effects, you should perform this exercise multiple times. Experts advise novices to perform 15 to 20 repetitions on each side.

- Crunches frequently come to mind when people think of lower ab exercises. Your upper and lower abs are the focus of these low-impact exercises. Since they don’t cause you to burn many calories, they probably won’t aid in weight loss. However, if you want to strengthen your abs, they’re a good place to start.
- To perform a conventional crunch, start by placing your feet on the floor and bending your knees while lying on your back.
- Tuck your arms behind your head and slowly raise your shoulders off the floor. As you pull up, tighten your abdominal muscles and curl your upper body toward your knees. After that, drop back to the ground. One rep, that is.
- Aim for 12–20 repetitions in a row. If it’s simple, keep on. Reduce the number of reps at first if it’s too challenging. Stop if you’re in severe pain. Consult a physician if the discomfort lasts for several hours or days.
The following are some more crunching exercises that are excellent for your lower abs:
- Reverse crunch
- Bicycle crunch
- Runner’s crunch
- Bird dog crunch
Scissor Kicks

- This workout is comparable to the laying leg lift. But instead of lifting both legs at once, you lift one at a time.
- To begin, lie on your back with your feet together and both legs outstretched. For support, place your palms down on either side of your body or beneath your buttocks. After that, raise your legs off the floor.
- As you raise your legs, alternately raise and lower each leg in turn. When you bring your feet down, make sure they are about 6 inches above the ground.
- The exercise can be done as many times as you choose.
Knee Tucks (With Sliders or Exercise Ball)

- Put both feet on the towels or sliders and stand in a plank stance.
- Return to the beginning position gradually after pulling both legs to your chest. As many times as you can or at least ten times if you’re a newbie, do this.
- Avoid hunching your shoulders or bending your upper body forward too much since this can cause issues.
- You can use an exercise ball if you want a more difficult workout.
- You should balance your legs on top of the ball rather than on towels or sliders. Return to the beginning position after drawing both knees toward your chest.
Toe Touches
- For those who enjoy basic workouts but prefer a little extra difficulty, the toe touch is a fantastic lower ab exercise.
- Your feet should be firmly placed on the floor, and your knees bent.
- Make your abdominal muscles more rigid. After that, raise your legs off the ground and align them with your body so that they are perpendicular. Toes should be pointed away from the torso.
- Then raise your head and shoulders off the floor as you raise your hands toward your toes. Lower your upper body and hands back down. One rep is this.
- While your legs remain perpendicular to the floor and your abs continue to contract, repeat this exercise more times.
Bird dog

- With your knees and palms on the floor, begin on all fours. Balance on your other hand and knee while extending your left arm in front of you and your right leg behind you. Take a couple of deep breaths. Bend your right knee and left elbow till they contact beneath your tummy for an extra challenge. Repeat with your left leg and right arm on the other side. Keep switching, doing ten repetitions on each side.
Side plank

- Over your wrists, place your shoulders to form a plank stance. Hug your legs together and bring your left foot to meet your right while pulling your navel in toward your spine. Place the left foot on top and turn onto the right foot’s outside edge. Gently place the left hand on your left hip while applying pressure through your right hand, which should remain just beneath your right shoulder. Pull your right hip away from the floor and your abs in toward your spine. Bring the left arm straight up to the ceiling, hold it there for 30 to 45 seconds, then come through the plank and exchange sides.
Seated leg raises

- Begin with bending both knees while seated in a chair. Squeeze the quadriceps and flex the foot while you extend the second leg in front of you while maintaining one foot on the ground. The leg should then be raised gradually until it is parallel to the ground. After pausing, slowly bring the leg back to its initial position. After ten repetitions, switch legs.
Seated toe taps
- With your knees as wide as your hips, take a seat on the edge of a chair. Point your toes toward the floor and use your abs to raise your heels off the floor. Pull your navel in toward your spine as you slowly recline. Slowly tap one foot to the ground while keeping your feet elevated, then raise it back to the center. Bring the opposite foot back to the center by lowering it toward the ground and tapping it with your toes. Ten times on each side, repeat. For extra support and to aid with balance, hold onto the chair.
Standing pelvic tilt
- Bend your knees a little and lean against the wall. Tilt your pelvis forward and up, away from the wall, as you exhale. You should gently press your lower back against the wall. To keep your form correct, contract your abdominal muscles. Ten times, release, and repeat.
Standing side crunch

- Turn your toes so they face outward and stand with your feet wider than your shoulders. With your elbows wide open, place your hands behind your head. Next, drop yourself into an open-toe, wide-leg squat while maintaining a straight back, a forward-tilted pelvis, and contracted abs. Crunch your right side by reaching your right elbow down toward your right thigh, then return to the center. On the left side, repeat. For a total of ten repetitions, keep switching sides.
Standing knee lifts
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart to start. Bring your right knee up to your chest until it creates a 90° angle while using your abs, then bring it back down to the beginning position. Next, raise your left knee to a 90-degree angle and then bring it back down. On each side, repeat ten times.
Cat cow

- Get on your hands and knees to begin. With your back arched and your stomach lowered toward the mat, slowly transition into the cow pose while gazing up at the sky. Pull in your abs and circle your back toward the sky, lowering your head to the floor, to enter the cat posture as you release your breath. Repeat this ten times in a different order.
Pilates bridge march
- While lying on your back, spread your feet as wide as your hips and bend your knees. Let your arms drop to your sides. Like zipping into a tight pair of jeans, pull the naval in toward the spine. To raise your lower back, middle back, and upper back off the floor, slowly roll your hips. As though you were starting to march, push through your feet and raise your right foot off the ground. Switch between the left and right legs ten times.
Bear hold and drop
- Raise your knees about an inch off the floor while maintaining an active core. Return to the beginning position after holding this position for two to five seconds. It’s a single repetition. Do this ten times.
Forearm plank

- Get down on your hands and knees. Make a straight angle with the elbow by bringing both forearms to the floor just below the shoulders. After that, straighten your legs behind you so that you are in a low-plank posture, balancing on your toes. Hold for ten seconds. Let go and do it twice more.
Bicycle crunch

- Start by lying on your back with your legs in a tabletop position, and knees at a 90-degree angle. With the elbows bent out to the sides, place both hands behind your head. Twisting at the core, crunch up by extending the left leg straight and bringing the right knee in toward your left elbow. Switch sides, straightening your right leg and squeezing your right elbow toward your left knee. Throughout, squeeze your abdominal muscles. To each side, repeat ten times.

- One of the best exercises for reducing belly fat is the burpee. These easy yet incredibly powerful exercises demand your undivided concentration and a constant focus on your core muscles. You tone your muscles and get an amazing cardio workout by keeping your core active throughout.
How to Do It?
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart and begin standing.
- Put your hands on the floor in front of you after lowering yourself into a squat.
- Put yourself in a push-up stance by kicking your legs back.
- Return to the squat position as soon as you can, then leap as high as you can.
- For a fantastic aerobic exercise, repeat this procedure for 30 to 60 seconds. Do two or three sets if you want to make it more difficult.
Reverse Lunge

- One of the best exercises for strengthening the quadriceps is the reverse lunge. Compared to other exercises like squats or lunges, it can assist in isolating and target this muscle area more effectively. Additionally, unlike a barbell lunge, the lifter can use greater weight while still maintaining excellent technique.
- One of the best ways to undertake workouts that help you lose belly fat is to perform the reverse lunge. With the correct sets and repetitions, this exercise can have a significant impact on your fitness path.
How to Do It?
- To begin, stand upright with your feet hip-width apart.
- Lean one leg back and bend both knees to lower yourself to the floor.
- Bend both legs to a 90-degree angle.
- Before stepping the back leg forward to stand, pause for a moment.
Lying Leg Circles
- Leg circles sometimes referred to as single or one-legged circles, are an excellent Pilates exercise that helps boost hip, glute, and core strength.
- Additionally, for people looking for workouts to reduce lower belly fat, leg circles help increase pelvic stability. Leg circles are great, though, because they don’t require any special equipment.
How to Do It?
- To begin, lie on your back with your arms out by your sides, palms flat on the floor, and your legs straight in front of you.
- Throughout the exercise, keep your lower back pressed into the floor by using your core.
- With your toes pointing toward the roof, extend one leg straight up.
- Next, make large, deliberate clockwise circles with your raised leg.
- For the same repetitions, turn the circles counterclockwise.
- Make sure your back is in contact with the floor and your core is active.
- Repeat with the other leg after lowering the first one to the floor.
Lying Leg Raise

- One of the greatest workouts for reducing lower abdominal fat is the lying leg raise. For optimal effects, use your hip flexors during this focused lower ab workout. It can provide you a wonderful core workout in addition to being a great way to lose weight around the abdomen.
- As everyone knows, having a strong core is essential for doing daily tasks and exercises with ease and effectiveness. Therefore, the lying leg raise is much more beneficial because it places additional emphasis on this muscle group.
How to Do It?
- With your arms by your sides, begin by reclining on your back.
- You can’t get higher with your legs straight, so raise them up until your hips are at a 90-degree angle.
- Lower your legs gradually until your feet are only a few inches off the floor.
- Without allowing your heels to touch the floor, raise your legs once again.
- For 60 seconds, repeat the motion without stopping.
Windshield Wipers
- Windshield wipers are an excellent choice if you’re seeking for activities to reduce lower abdominal fat. All you need is a mat, and these are designed especially for the obliques. Simply recline and grasp your shoulders with your hands, then move them side to side like wipers.
- In addition to burning excess fat, it strengthens the core, which can help reduce lower back pain. This is an excellent addition to your exercise routine.
How to Do It?
- Raise your legs to a 90-degree angle while lying on the ground.
- For support, extend your arms straight out to your sides.
- Stop your legs from hitting the floor and turn them to one side, then the other.
- Place your arms closer to your body as your master of the stance, providing less support.
- Try performing three sets of ten reps, five on each side.
Alternating Toe Touch

- Exercises that are useful for melting fat in the lower abdomen include alternating toe touches. You must touch your toes while concentrating on each side of your abs throughout this one-minute timed exercise.
- This exercise is fantastic because it works your entire core, and you can feel the burn all the way down to your hips. It’s a powerful workout!
How to Do It?
- To begin, lay on your back with your arms and legs straight up above your head.
- Keep your right arm up and your leg straight as you raise it upward.
- Raise your left leg till the angle of your left hip is 90 degrees.
- Next, use your right hand to touch your left foot to raise your right shoulder off the ground.
- Gradually return to your starting position. For the next repetition, do it with the leg of your opposite arm.
- For a continuous minute, switch sides.
Plank Jump
- Are you trying to shed that final bit of obstinate tummy fat? For a nice burn, add the plank jump to your workout. Your heart rate will rise with this combination of traditional plank and aerobic activities, boosting the number of calories you burn.
- In the process, you’ll get an additional little core workout. To get the most out of the plank leap and avoid any potential injuries from bad form, make sure your form is sound.
- Lower abdomen fat will be burned off quickly thanks to the enhanced strength, power, and stability that come with a quality training program.
How to Do It?
- With your arms straight, begin in a plank position on your hands and toes.
- Maintain a straight spine and make sure your ankles and hips line up with your shoulders.
- Ensure that your hands are just beneath your shoulder.
- Next, place your feet beneath your hips and hop them toward your shoulders. When you land, your knees should be close to your elbows.
- Return to the starting position and continue for 45 seconds without pausing.
Kettlebell Swings

- Kettlebell swings are a really powerful workout that works many core muscles. Additionally, they focus on every muscle that makes up the powerful posterior chain. A high-intensity, core-strengthening exercise is a great addition to the list of lower belly fat workouts.
- These muscles consist of the rhomboids, lower and middle back muscles, glutes, and hamstrings.
- One special benefit of kettlebell swings is that they combine strength and aerobic training. Swinging often and using a variety of muscle groups results in a substantial calorie expenditure.
How to Do It?
- Hold a kettlebell in front of you with both arms while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Start the exercise by keeping your chest high, bending slightly at the knees, and thrusting your hip backward. With your arms fully extended, swing the kettlebell backward.
- As you straighten your torso, apply pressure through your hamstrings and hips.
- Swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height using the momentum created.
- To experience the strain and resistance of the kettlebell, contract your muscles at the highest position. Again, swing back and repeat.
- You should aim for 10 to 20 repetitions every working set, depending on the resistance you employ. Try to complete three sets.
Mountain Climbers

- You may see why this workout is referred to as mountain climbing if you have ever hiked up a steep hill.
- This workout helps you develop explosive strength in your hamstrings and glutes as well as lower abdominal strength.
- However, it goes beyond that because the majority of this exercise may be categorized as unilateral movement, which also recruits the remainder of your core for stability.
How to Do It?
- To begin, place your arms shoulder-width apart in a push-up posture. A straight line should be formed by your back and legs.
- As you contract, bend one knee explosively and bring it up to your chest. In order to activate the lower abdominal muscles, you want to raise the knee as high as you can with explosive force.
- Repeat with the second leg as soon as that leg is back to its starting position. Aim for three working sets and try to complete 20 repetitions per set.
Jackknife Sit Up
- Because it incorporates both upper and lower body action, the jackknife is an exercise that works the entire abdominal region. It is yet another important exercise on the list of lower abdominal fat-loss exercises.
- This action is actually easier to execute than a simple leg raise because of its explosive nature.
How to Do It?
- Lay flat on your back with a yoga or exercise mat on the floor.
- Raise both of your legs as near to your midsection as you can by lifting them off the ground and into the air.
- Your arms should attempt to contact your toes at the same time, raising your chest and upper back off the floor.
- When you reach the peak of the movement, your body should resemble a V.
- Without making contact with the earth, lower yourself to the starting position. Over time, more muscular stimulation will result from the increased tension.
- Do this exercise for two to three sets, repeating 10 to 15 repetitions.
One-Arm Medicine Ball Slams

- One of the gym’s most underappreciated pieces of equipment must be a medicine ball.
- In addition to being seen as a quirky equipment for yoga or CrossFit, the medicine ball serves a variety of other purposes that most people are unaware of.
- Consider the medicine ball smash, for example.
- Even though this exercise sounds so easy, nine out of ten individuals have never heard of it.
- However, because it calls for synergy between the upper and lower bodies, this exercise is ideal for developing some real core strength.
- Just remember that you want to propel the ball explosively.
How to Do It?
- Start with a medicine ball that weighs 3 kg.
- Place the ball in your arms to one side and place your feet hip-width apart.
- To repeat the technique, slam the ball as hard as you can against the floor at an angle such that it bounces off the ground in a trajectory that your arms can catch.
- If you must reach up to catch the ball, feel free to tiptoe as this may also aid in force production.
- More calories are burned and the core muscles are stimulated the harder and faster you bash the ball into the ground. Therefore, don’t be timid and employ this helpful exercise to release some pent-up energy.
Staying Safe
- While getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day is crucial, you don’t want to push yourself too hard or overtrain. Your body may occasionally produce too much cortisol when you overtrain. Overtraining may actually make it more difficult to burn off belly fat because this stress hormone is connected to belly fat.
- It’s crucial to keep in mind that you should progress cautiously with new workouts. Consult your physician or another medical specialist, such as a physical therapist, if you experience sudden or persistent pain. Simply follow the guidelines for regular, moderate activity, and consult your physician if you have any questions about additional health benefits from your exercise regimen.
Because bodyweight exercises use body resistance against gravity, they are particularly effective at burning body fat. By exercising without the use of heavy weights or equipment, they offer a host of advantages, including increased strength and endurance, better balance and coordination, increased flexibility, and a lower chance of injury.
Plank leaps, alternating toe touches, windshield wipers, sated single-leg raises, reverse lunges, burpees, lying leg raises, and lying leg circles are among the nine exercises that are included. The goal of having no tummy fat is almost here.
Is abdominal fat burned by hot water?
Although boiling water by itself doesn’t burn fat, drinking enough of water and avoiding calorie drinks can help you lose weight overall. The best outcomes for fat loss and general health will come from combining this with a healthy diet and frequent exercise.
Is belly fat reduced by skipping?
Skipping increases lung capacity and is excellent for cardiovascular fitness. It maximizes the burning of calories, which results in weight loss. It naturally lowers belly fat since it tightens the abdominal region and strengthens the core muscles.
Can abdominal fat be reduced by morning walks alone?
Walking in the morning is a great way to lose belly fat and other types of fat. A Nottingham Trent University study found that participants who exercised on an empty stomach burned about 70% more fat than those who worked out two hours after eating.
Is belly fat burned by Nescafé?
helps people lose weight. Caffeine, which is frequently found in a variety of chemicals, lotions, and other items, has long been used to help people lose weight. This is due to the fact that coffee accelerates “thermogenesis,” the body’s natural method of burning fat.
Can you lose belly fat with lemon water?
Despite what many people think, there is no proof that using lemon water can reduce belly fat. By offering an alternative method of increasing water intake, lemon water may help you achieve your weight control objectives by increasing your metabolism.
Is it possible to lose abdominal fat after 30 minutes of walking?
According to a study, daily walking enhances the body’s reaction to insulin by reducing abdominal fat. You can avoid weight gain by walking for at least half an hour each day. Additionally, it can tone and develop your leg muscles.
What is the best at burning tummy fat?
Training with high-intensity intervals (HIIT): It is arguably one of the quickest and most effective methods for reducing stomach fat and the proportion of body fat overall.
A hormonal belly: what is it?
Weight increase around the abdomen brought on by a hormonal imbalance is referred to as a “hormonal belly.” It is a possible symptom of another illness rather than a separate one. A person’s body weight and shape can be influenced by a variety of things. This covers genetics, sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
Can I make my lower abdomen tighter?
Push-ups There’s a reason why push-ups are a classic. They’re an excellent method to strengthen the rest of your body and tone your abdominal muscles and lower belly skin.
How can abdominal fat be reduced in seven days?
What is the quickest week-long method for losing tummy fat? An effective method for rapidly decreasing belly fat is to combine a healthy diet that is low in calories, fats, and carbohydrates with daily aerobic and abdominal activities.
Is it true that walking burns tummy fat?
Can walking help someone lose abdominal fat? Frequent cardiovascular exercise, like walking, may help reduce abdominal fat. This is corroborated by a 2014 study that found walking may aid in burning body fat, especially stomach and waist fat.
How can fat around the lower abdomen be eliminated?
Surgical procedures like tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) and lifestyle modifications like diet and exercise are two ways to treat stomach overhang. It’s crucial to remember that stomach tuck surgery can not treat weight loss or muscular weakening; it can only remove extra skin and fat.
What kind of exercise causes belly fat to burn?
Both sorts of workouts include fast-paced yoga, HIIT, and rock climbing. They also raise your heart rate and build muscle. No matter where fat is stored in your body, burning more calories aids in fat loss. Gaining muscle makes you burn more calories and gives your butt more definition.
How can you reduce lower abdominal fat?
The Healthy Way to Reduce Lower Belly Fat. Toning your lower tummy usually results in fat loss overall because you can’t usually shed fat from one part of your body at a time. Eating a balanced diet, exercising frequently, drinking lots of water, and getting adequate sleep are some essential strategies to achieve this.
- Watson, K. (2023a, February 28). How to lose lower belly fat the healthy way. Healthline.
- WebMD Editorial Contributor. (2023c, April 25). Top exercises for belly fat. WebMD.
- Desk, T. L. (2024, December 27). 7 easy exercises to do while walking to reduce lower belly fat. The Times of India.
- A 5-minute ab workout you can do anywhere. (2024, December 6). [Video].