Exercises For Upper Abdominal Fat
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22 Best Exercises For Upper Abdominal Fat


Excess fat in the upper belly can be a frequent source of annoyance. The most effective strategy is to focus on overall weight reduction while engaging in exercises that specifically address the upper belly area.

The location where your body accumulates excess fat is influenced by a mix of genetic factors, lifestyle choices, and dietary habits. For many individuals, the upper belly is often the last region to shed fat.

Even with physical activity, a layer of fat may still persist. Nevertheless, cardiovascular workouts, strength training, weight loss, and smart lifestyle changes can collectively aid in diminishing it.

Noticing some extra fat around your upper abdomen? You’re definitely not alone. Upper belly fat, which usually appears between the rib cage and the belly button, is a widespread issue that affects people for various reasons.

Similar to lower belly fat, the weight in the upper belly can be fairly persistent, but that doesn’t mean it’s entirely unachievable to eliminate.

If it seems like you’re following all the right practices to eliminate your belly fat, yet your stomach still isn’t as you desire, we have some information for you.

The information is that you may have adopted the right habits, but certain details may not be done quite correctly. However, there’s no need to stress; this can be quickly fixed by reading this article.

Although nutrition and exercise form the foundation of any fat-burning regime and healthy lifestyle, it’s crucial to understand that there’s a specific methodology to achieve optimal results.

In this section, we will delve into what can lead to upper belly fat and how to effectively combat it.

Understanding Upper Belly Fat

Upper belly fat, also known as abdominal fat, consists of both visceral and subcutaneous fat. Factors such as genetics, unhealthy diets, insufficient physical activity, and hormonal fluctuations can all contribute to its buildup.

Having excess visceral fat surrounding the intestines or abdominal organs carries significant health risks, including insulin resistance and increased body weight. Recognizing these factors is key to effective fat loss and bettering body fat distribution.

What causes upper belly fat?

Take a look at your abdomen. The area above your navel is referred to as your “upper belly,” and the region below it is your “lower belly.”

Various factors can lead to the accumulation of fat in the upper belly, but ultimately, it mostly comes down to consuming more calories than your body requires. Other contributing elements may include:

  • Hormones
  • Aging
  • Menopausal changes
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Genetic predispositions
  • Stress levels

While it would be convenient to target specific body areas for fat loss, the reality is that it’s not achievable. You can perform movements and exercises that strengthen certain muscle groups, but fat loss will occur across your entire body when you adopt healthy habits.

There are several reasons why fat can accumulate in the upper belly. These are a few of the most typical.

A detrimental diet can lead to weight gain, with some foods specifically contributing to excess weight around the belly.

This includes sugar (which can provoke an anti-inflammatory response that causes abdominal weight gain), refined carbohydrates, and trans fats. All of these are typically found in processed foods.

Lack of exercise
Living a sedentary lifestyle can result in overall weight gain, especially if you aren’t expending the energy you take in.

Poor sleep
Not getting enough quality sleep can disrupt your metabolism and hormones. When these systems are unbalanced, it may result in weight gain in your midsection.

Stress promotes the increased production of cortisol, a hormone that aids the fight-or-flight response.

Chronic stress can lead to excessive levels of cortisol, which can cause weight gain in your abdominal area.

Genetics may influence where your body stores fat. Depending on genetic factors, your body may prefer to retain fat around your hips and thighs, or it might focus on the midsection — including the upper belly.

Regrettably, not much can be done to affect genetic fat distribution, as it is essentially hardwired.

Your metabolism tends to slow down with age, which can alter your body composition. Additionally, how your body distributes fat may change as you get older.

Prior to menopause, women typically store fat around their hips and thighs. However, after menopause, fat distribution often shifts towards the midsection.

Hormonal changes
Aside from menopause, various hormonal imbalances can lead to the accumulation of abdominal fat.

Pregnancy can bring about numerous physical changes, and weight gain is commonly part of the experience. Following childbirth, it’s normal for some of the weight to linger for a period — sometimes even weeks or months.

The Diet of Calories Deficit

There is little question that you have looked online for the best diet that would provide you with the greatest outcomes humankind has ever seen and a figure that appears to have been moulded like a Greek goddess.

It doesn’t matter if you’re low-carb, keto, vegan, or pescatarian. If they don’t adhere to the fundamental guideline of lowering body fat through food, they are just ineffective.

Eating at a calorie deficit, or consuming less calories daily, is the fundamental guideline to gradually reduce body fat. Reducing your daily caloric intake by 500 is approximately equivalent to shedding roughly one pound of fat every week.

Dietary adjustments can help lower fat in the upper abdomen

The food we put into our bodies determines our general health. calories as well as Nutrients can decide our body fat percentage and aid in bodily functions.

Following are some dietary adjustments you can incorporate into your regimen to assist you eliminate upper abdominal fat, as well as overall body fat.

Reduce your caloric intake

When you consume too many calories and not enough, your body stores the excess as fat. For instance, 3,500 calories are equivalent to one pound of fat. As a result, 3,500 calories will assist you in dropping that pound.

By cutting out roughly 500 calories every day, you may divide those 3,500 calories over the course of the week from your usual diet. You may lose roughly 1 to 2 pounds every week with it, which is a a reasonable reduction in weight.

Calorie counting is inconvenient and subject to error. Therefore, if you’re not interested in calorie counting, If you eat more fruits and vegetables, you can easily cut them off.

Be cautious of sodium

Have you ever indulged in a large burrito bowl only to feel incredibly bloated afterward? Thanks to sodium, dehydration, and insufficient electrolytes, our bodies can hold onto excess water.

When you reduce your sodium intake, your body retains less water, making it simpler to shed belly fat.

Increase your fiber intake

Foods high in fiber can be more satiating compared to those low in fiber, and they generally have fewer calories, which can support weight loss as you’ll feel full while consuming less.

A study revealed that adding fiber to one’s diet led to decreases in body weight, BMI, and frequency of eating among participants.

Men under the age of 50 should aim for approximately 38 grams of fiber daily, while women under 50 should target 25 grams each day.

Gradually introduce more fiber into your diet. Consuming too much too quickly can lead to digestive discomfort (and increased bowel movements).

Steer clear of white starches and sugary beverages

Soft drinks, white bread, and other sugary and refined carbohydrate products are not beneficial for your fat loss goals.

These items are labeled as “simple carbohydrates,” which digest rapidly and cause spikes in blood sugar levels. As a result, you’ll find yourself hungry again soon after consuming meals with simple carbs.

This doesn’t imply that you should completely eliminate bread, pasta, or similar grain-based products (indulge occasionally!). When you crave noodles, opt for whole-grain alternatives. They have more fiber, helping you feel fuller for a longer period.

Stay hydrated

An often overlooked yet crucial aspect of weight loss is hydration. As reported by the U.S. Geological Survey, our bodies can be composed of up to 60 percent water. While personal needs may vary, it’s important to consume H2O for your overall well-being.

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies suggests that males aged 19 and older typically require about 101 ounces (around 13 cups) of water daily, while females should strive for around 74 ounces (about 9 cups) each day.

A study from 2013 found that drinking water has a “thermogenic” effect, boosting your metabolic rate (the speed at which your body burns calories).

By the end of the study, participants who consumed 500 ml of water three times a day experienced reductions in body weight, BMI, and body composition.

Get moving to lose weight: Target upper stomach fat with exercise
To effectively lose body fat, combining diet and exercise is essential. In addition to dietary adjustments, incorporating specific moves and workouts can help strengthen your core and tone your waistline.


Raise your heart rate and break a sweat with activities like jogging, HIIT, walking, or even playing actively with kids or dogs. Adding physical activity to your routine will aid in weight loss and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The amount of cardio needed can vary. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend gradually reaching 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or a mix of both each week.

Lifestyle Modifications for Reducing Upper Belly Fat

While calories and exercise play significant roles in weight loss, other lifestyle modifications can serve as additional strategies to achieve your objectives.

Reduce your stress levels

If you’re diligently working on fat loss but aren’t seeing results, it might be worth examining your stress levels. Stress can contribute to the persistence of upper belly fat.

Practices like yoga, deep breathing, and mindfulness can be beneficial in alleviating the stress you’re experiencing.

Research has indicated that individuals who took part in an 8-week stress management course saw a notable decrease in BMI compared to those who did not engage in the program.

Quit smoking

A habit that impacts much more than just weight, smoking can lead to cancer, heart disease, lung issues, and breathing problems.

It’s normal to experience cravings in the early phase of quitting, but once you get through that challenging period, you will likely find it easier to breathe and increase your activity levels.

Since the process can be quite difficult, collaborate with your healthcare provider to devise a cessation plan that is most effective for you.

Belly be gone

Concentrating on caloric intake, physical activity, and lifestyle modifications can assist with overall weight reduction and possibly the extra fat deposits found around the belly.

Certain specific exercises can aid in strengthening the muscles and core in the abdominal area, but “spot reduction” is essentially a myth in the realm of fat loss.

A trendy diet won’t effectively eliminate upper belly fat, and gradually choosing healthier options is ultimately the best method for burning fat.

Top Exercises for Reducing Upper Abdominal Fat

To effectively target upper belly fat, it’s essential to recognize that you can’t isolate fat loss through specific exercises.

To reduce fat in any area of your body, you need to adopt a comprehensive approach. While abdominal workouts primarily serve to strengthen muscles, your best initial strategy is to engage in cardio.

You can walk, bike, or jog—whatever suits you best—just ensure you incorporate it regularly. If you believe you can handle more intense workouts, consider trying high-intensity interval training.

Once you’ve achieved a noticeable reduction in body fat, you should begin to see changes in the appearance of your upper belly.

At that point, it’s advisable to start doing exercises targeting the upper belly to tone the muscles in that area. Some effective exercises include:

  • Side lunges
  • Mountain climbers
  • Burpees
  • Dead Bugs
  • Alternating Cross-Toe Touch


plank to push ups
plank to push ups

The plank engages various muscle groups and is superb for building core strength. To do a plank, begin in a push-up stance, ensuring your elbows are positioned directly beneath your shoulders. Activate your core, maintain a straight line from your head to your heels, and hold this position for as long as you can without losing form.

Bicycle Crunch


This exercise works the obliques in addition to the upper abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, raise your legs to a 90-degree angle, and position your hands behind your head. Bring one knee toward your chest while simultaneously twisting your opposite elbow to connect with it, alternating sides in a pedaling motion. Throughout the exercise, maintain an active core.

Russian Twist

Russian Twist
Russian Twist

The Russian twist strengthens the abdomen and obliques. With your feet up and your knees bent, take a seat on the floor. Lean back slightly while holding your hands together. Rotate your torso to one side then to the other, keeping your core tight. You can use weights to make it more difficult.

Mountain Climbers


Start in a push-up position. Engage your core as you quickly pull one knee toward your chest, then switch legs in a running style. This exercise effectively raises your heart rate while working the upper abs, enhancing both strength and endurance.



With your arms outstretched overhead, lie flat on your back. Engage your core as you raise your legs and upper body simultaneously to meet in the center, forming a ‘V’ shape. Hold the contraction briefly before gently lowering back to the starting position. Breathe steadily and maintain control throughout the movement.

Leg Raises


This exercise primarily focuses on the lower abs but also contributes to overall abdominal strength. Keeping your legs straight, lie upon your back. Lift your legs toward the ceiling while keeping them extended, then gradually lower them without allowing them to touch the ground. Make sure your back is flat against the mat to protect your spine.

Flutter Kicks

Flutter Kicks
Flutter Kicks

a little your arms by your sides, lie on your back. Raise your legs slightly off the ground and start an alternating kicking motion, keeping your legs straight. Maintain a consistent pace and avoid arching your back. This exercise works the upper and lower abdominal simultaneously.

Seated Overhead Reach


Sit on a mat with your legs extended and lean back slightly while keeping a strong core. Reach your arms overhead while ensuring your back remains straight, then lower your hands towards your knees. Each overhead reach should be controlled and purposeful, focusing on engaging the upper abs.

Rope Climbs (Static)

Imitate a rope climb by lying flat on your back with both your legs and upper body raised. Reach upward with one hand, then switch to the other, simulating a climbing motion. This exercise provides an intense workout for the abs, resembling the reach and pull of an actual rope climb.



Begin in a push-up position. Rotate your body to one side, extending your arm upward to create a ‘T’ shape. Return to the center and alternate sides. This dynamic activity engages both the upper abs and obliques while enhancing balance and core stability.

Boat Pose


To start yoga for weight loss, begin with the Boat Pose.

Sit on a yoga mat with your legs extended forward. Bending your knees, lift your feet off the ground until your shins are parallel to the floor. Extend your arms forward while straightening your legs as much as you can. Hold this position, focusing on your breath, for at least 30 seconds or longer. Return to a neutral position and repeat 8 to 10 times to work your core and upper belly.

Upward Plank

Poorvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
Poorvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)

This exercise strengthens your upper belly by targeting the deep transverse abdominis muscles that can easily be overlooked during workouts.

Sit with your legs straight out in front of you and arms straight, palms facing the ground. Engage your abdominal muscles and visualize a cord connected to your belly button, pulling you upwards. Use your palms to lift your belly higher. If possible, use your heels to elevate more. Hold this position for several seconds before slowly returning to a neutral pose with control. During a set, repeat this ten to twelve times.

Side Planks


These planks engage your upper belly and obliques.

With one arm outstretched, lie flat on one side. Bend your knees and stack your legs at a 45-degree angle on top of each other. Support your body weight on the forearm of your extended arm. Activate your oblique muscles to lift yourself into a sideways plank position. Raise the arm not resting on the ground towards the sky and hold this pose for as long as possible. Gradually return to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 10 times for a set.

Surgical Approaches to Decrease Upper Belly Fat

Liposuction eliminates fat deposits, reshaping the body for a more sculpted appearance. It’s effective for individuals who have localized upper belly subcutaneous fat that remains unchanged despite diet and exercise efforts. Recovery is generally fast, with visible results in a few weeks.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
A tummy tuck eliminates surplus fat and skin, tightening abdominal muscles for a more toned look. The best candidates are those with considerable loose skin and stubborn non- visceral upper belly fat lying beneath the skin.

Recovery usually requires a few weeks of limited physical activity.

Mini Tummy Tuck

The mini tummy tuck focuses on the lower abdomen, making it suitable for patients with minimal excess skin. It provides similar advantages to a full tummy tuck but features a quicker recovery time and less extensive surgical intervention.


Incorporating diet, exercise, and lifestyle modifications can greatly assist in minimizing upper belly fat by encouraging a well-rounded diet, high-intensity interval training, and stress management.

However, for those desiring quicker and more permanent outcomes, surgical options such as liposuction, tummy tuck, and mini tummy tuck present effective alternatives.

These methods can successfully address persistent fat deposits, enhancing your body shape and boosting both your visual appeal and overall health.


How can I eliminate upper belly fat?

8 Strategies to Reduce Belly Fat and Enjoy a Healthier Lifestyle
Consider reducing carbs instead of fats. …
Focus on an eating plan rather than a diet. …
Stay active. …
Incorporate weight training. …
Learn to read labels. …
Minimize processed food intake. …
Pay attention to how your clothes fit rather than tracking weight. …
Surround yourself with health-conscious friends.

What workouts target upper belly fat?

Targeted Ab Exercises for Lowering Belly Fat
Plank holds for 60 seconds.
Bicycle crunches.
Standard abdominal crunches.
Leg lifts.

How can I flatten the upper part of my stomach?

A nutritious diet is essential for reducing upper belly fat. Eating foods rich in nutrients and lowering saturated fat consumption aids in belly fat reduction. Maintaining proper hydration also supports general health and weight loss efforts, helping to diminish body fat and prevent weight gain.

Why do I have fat on the upper part of my stomach?

Upper belly fat may result from your body retaining water. High sodium intake, dehydration, and a lack of electrolytes can cause your body to hold onto water. This can lead to a swollen appearance of your stomach and other body areas. Adhering to a low-sodium diet can aid in your journey to lose belly fat.

How can I conceal my upper belly fat?

1: Wear solid colors. #2: Avoid boxy silhouettes. #3: Break up the torso with an open blazer. #4: Show off your legs.


  • How to lose upper belly fat the healthy way. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/health/lose-upper-belly-fat
  • abs. Upper Belly Fat: Common Causes and Tips for Reducing It. https://www.myjuniper.com/blog/upper-belly-fat.
  • Curex. (2024, November 26). The ideal exercises for fat loss in the upper abdomen. Curex. https://getcurex.com/top-exercises/top-exercises-for-losing-upper-abdomen-fat
  • https/airsculpt.com/airsculpt-daily/say-farewell-to-upper-belly-fat-with-these-5-workouts/
  • How to get rid of upper belly fat | HR Plastic Surgery. Mr
  • Hyder Ridha | Plastic Surgeon in North London. https://hrplasticsurgery.com/blog/how-to-get-rid-of-upper-belly-fat/
  • How to lose upper belly fat the healthy way. Greatist. https://greatist.com/health/lose-upper-belly-fat

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