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What Are Fats?

Fat is a vital macronutrient that plays multiple roles in the human body, extending far beyond its reputation as a storage form of energy. These fatty acids can be classified based on their chemical structure into saturated, unsaturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), and trans fats, each impacting health in unique ways.

In the absence of their use as building blocks or as fuel, the body stores fat in fat cells. This is how the body prepares for periods when food may be in short supply by storing fat for later use.

Certain types of fat are beneficial to us and are an essential component of a balanced diet, even though too much of them can be harmful.

What’s Bad About Fat?

Although fat adds taste and texture to food, it is also abundant in calories, and consuming too much of it can lead to a number of health issues. Snacks, fried foods, and fast food are major sources of fat for children and teenagers. Additionally, high-fat meats (such as bacon, hot dogs, and fattier types of red meat) and dairy items (such as whole milk, cheese, cream, and butter) provide fat to children.

Compared to home cooking, meals from restaurants and takeaway typically include more fat. Foods that are fried have the most fat. Furthermore, fat mostly “hides” in cuisine as buttery, cheesy, or cream.

Why Are Some Fats Healthy?

For both children and adults, healthy fats are an essential component of a balanced diet. Growth and development depend on consuming adequate amounts of good fats. For a child’s brain to develop normally, they must be consumed in sufficient amounts.

The body uses fats for energy, but they also:

help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), which are essential for hormone synthesis and can only be absorbed when a person eats fat.

are crucial for brain health because they make people feel full, which reduces their propensity to overeat.

Although fat is a fantastic source of energy, it contains twice as many calories as protein or carbs. For instance, one gram of fat has nine calories, while one gram of protein or carbs has four.

What Kinds of Fats Are in Food?

Here are the three main types of fats to help you identify them:

  1. Unsaturated fats: These are found in fish and plant foods and are thought to be neutral or even heart-healthy. Unsaturated fats consist of:
  • Monounsaturated fat is present in pecans, almonds, peanut butter, avocados, and canola oils. -The majority of vegetable oils, including corn and soybean oil, are polyunsaturated.

-Mostly all vegetable oils, eg. corn oil and soybean are polyunsaturated.

  1. Saturated fats are found in meat and other animal products such as cheese, butter, shortening, lard, whole milk, and cream. Coconut oil also has saturated fat. Excessive consumption of saturated fat can raise blood cholesterol levels and heart disease risk.
  2. Trans fats: Present in commercial snack foods, baked products, some professionally fried items, and some stick margarines. When vegetable oils undergo hydrogenation—the addition of hydrogen atoms to the fat molecule to keep it solid at normal temperature—trans fats are produced. Trans fats have the potential to increase heart disease risk and cholesterol. Information concerning trans fats must be included on food labels. Trans fats are no longer included in the goods of several companies.

How Are Fats Listed on Labels?

In a single serving, the Nutrition Facts label indicates the amount of total fat, saturated fat, and trans fat. However, it’s simple to consume more than the labeled serving amount. Many people consume twice or three times the amount of corn chips, even though a serving contains twelve.

Food labels frequently include phrases like fat-free, low-fat, reduced fat, and light (or lite) when discussing fat. The use of these claims is subject to stringent government regulations. By law:

  • Fat-free food may include no more than 0.5 grams of fat per serving.
  • Three grams is the most fat that can be found in a serving of low-fat food.
  • Light (lite) foods must have one-third fewer calories or 50% less fat per serving than their standard counterparts.
  • If the original normal version was heavy in fat, then light (lite) and reduced-fat foods may have more sugar yet still be high in fat.

How Much Fat Should Kids Get?

Cholesterol and fat have significant effects on brain development. A child’s diet must include healthy fats, thus their consumption shouldn’t be severely restricted or outlawed. Don’t restrict fat in babies younger than a year old. Try to keep saturated fat in children’s diets under 10% if they are older than two years.

How Can I Keep Fats Under Control?

An essential component of a balanced diet is consuming the appropriate type and quantity of fat. However, a lot of children consume excessive amounts of fat, which may cause unintended weight gain. Children who are overweight are more likely to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other health issues.

Here are a few strategies to promote a healthy diet:

  • Serve items like fruits, vegetables, nutritious grains, and dairy products that are naturally low in fat.
  • Use healthy, unsaturated fats instead of fat when cooking.
  • Select a range of proteins, such as omega-3-rich fish and seafood, lean meat and chicken (without skin), and vegetarian options like beans and nuts.
  • Use grilling, broiling, or roasting (on a rack) while preparing meat, fish, or fowl. By letting the fat drip away while cooking, these techniques also reduce caloric intake. In contrast, frying adds fat.
    • Prepare meals, snacks, and school lunches for family get-togethers. This allows you to maintain control over what your family consumes. Avoid eating out as much as possible, especially at fast-food establishments.
    • When dining out, assist children in making healthy decisions. For instance, include a green salad in the order and serve it with a low-fat dressing. When making sandwiches, try using mustard rather than mayonnaise. Choose baked, grilled, or steamed items over fried ones.

Food labels frequently include phrases like fat-free, low-fat, reduced fat, and light (or lite) when discussing fat. The use of these claims is subject to stringent government regulations. By law:

  • Light (lite) foods must have one-third fewer calories or 50% less fat per serving than their standard counterparts.
  • Compared to a plate of regular food, a portion of reduced-fat food should have 25% less fat.

If the original regular version of food was heavy in fat, foods marketed as “light” or “reduced” may have more sugar yet still be high in fat.

How Much Fat Should Kids Get?

Cholesterol and fat have significant effects on brain development. A child’s diet must include healthy fats, thus their consumption shouldn’t be severely restricted or outlawed. Don’t restrict fat in babies younger than a year old. Try to keep saturated fat in children’s diets under 10% if they are older than two years.

How Can I Keep Fats Under Control?

An essential component of a balanced diet is consuming the appropriate type and quantity of fat. However, a lot of children consume excessive amounts of fat, which may cause unintended weight gain. Children who are overweight are more likely to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other health issues.

Here are a few strategies to promote a healthy diet:

  • Serve meals that are naturally low in fat, such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, seafood, and whole grains.
  • Use healthy, unsaturated fats instead of fat when cooking.
  • Select a range of proteins, such as omega-3-rich fish and seafood, lean meat and chicken (without skin), and vegetarian options like beans and nuts.
  • Use grilling, broiling, or roasting (on a rack) while preparing meat, fish, or fowl. By letting the fat drip away while cooking, these techniques also reduce caloric intake. In contrast, frying adds fat.
    • Prepare meals, snacks, and school lunches for family get-togethers. This allows you to maintain control over what your family consumes. Avoid eating out as much as possible, especially at fast-food establishments.
    • When dining out, assist children in making healthy decisions. For instance, include a green salad in the order and serve it with a low-fat dressing. When making sandwiches, try using mustard rather than mayonnaise. Choose baked, grilled, or steamed items over fried ones.

Setting a good example is the most effective way to motivate kids to eat healthily. Make prudent eating a habit, pick a range of meals, including healthy fats, and get frequent exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Fat is a crucial macronutrient that supports energy storage, cellular function, hormone production, and nutrient absorption. While essential for health, the type and quantity of fat consumed are key to maintaining balance and preventing health risks, emphasizing the importance of informed dietary choices.

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