Poorvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)
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Poorvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)

What is the Poorvottanasana?

Poorvottanasana, also known as the Upward Plank Pose, is a dynamic yoga asana that strengthens the body and cultivates awareness of alignment and balance.

In yoga, the front section of the body, from the tips of the tips of the toes to the crown of the head, is commonly referred to as the east. Purva Uttara asana, or upward plank pose, is hence equal to Purvottanasana = East Intense Stretch Pose. This pose involves a modest back bend, stretching the entire front part of the body to its utmost length. It is linked to the Plank Pose because it just involves the opposite side of the body being extended. Usually, this pose is performed after Paschimottanasana.

Because it may be utilized to build different forms, the upward plank posture is known as a base pose. Because it increases the body’s energy production, the Upward Plank Pose can be incorporated into flow yoga sequences.

Which muscles are used in Poorvottanasana?

  • Triceps
  • deltoids
  • Rotator cuff muscles
  • Wrists muscles
  • Erector spinae
  • Core muscles
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • gluteus maximus
  • gluteus minimus
  • gluteus medius

What are the Health Benefits of the Poorvottanasana?

  • Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland: Thyroid hormone, which is secreted by the thyroid gland in the neck, aids in the body’s growth and metabolism.
  • Improves the functioning of the adrenal gland: The adrenal gland, located above the kidneys, aids in blood flow and secretes several hormones necessary for the body to maintain equilibrium.
  • Improves the functioning of the thymus: The thymus, which is located in front of the heart, serves to keep the immune system functioning properly. It aids in the body’s defense against external intruders.
  • Greater strength at the shoulders and arms: Strengthening the wrists (and eventually the entire arm, including the shoulders) is the aim of Purvottanasana. In addition to making the pose easier, properly balanced body weight on the wrists and shoulders will strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulders without putting you at risk for injury.
  • Reduces cramps at the calf, hamstrings, and quadriceps: The quadriceps, hamstrings, and calve muscles will open with repeated practice of this pose, which will lessen cramping.
  • Great pose for athletes: The Upward Plank position increases both arm and leg strength, which is beneficial for most sports that need muscularity.
  • Improves the alignment of the shoulders: this can aid in improving alignment by lessening rounded shoulders if properly executed.
  • Core strength is improved: The core will be strengthened by purposefully drawing in the stomach during Purvottanasana.
  • Works well in improving balance: With the arms and feet in alignment, this position is a terrific and simple approach to learning how to enhance your body’s balance.
  • Great pose to practice by women during menstruation: Purvottanasana may help relieve lower abdominal heaviness during menstruation.
  • Tones the entire body: This position targets the entire body, from the toes to the neck, creating space for a toned body by burning fat in the chest, belly, thighs, and hips.

How to do a Poorvottanasana?

  • Take a straight seat.
  • Place your palms behind you by extending your arms backward. Point backward with your fingers.
  • Slowly lower your head back after bending it.
  • Allow the arms to support your upper body.
  • Take a breath.
  • You should have a solid hold and place your feet flat against the floor.
  • Take steady breaths. Hold the position for ten seconds. As you practice, extend this time.
  • Relax as you slowly lower your hips to the floor.

Poorvottanasana Video:

What are the Beginners’ Tips for Poorvottanasana?

  • Bend your knees and raise yourself into a reverse tabletop if this is too difficult for you.
  • Determine the best hand position for your shoulders: Fingers pointing in your direction or away
  • To maintain your balance in this position, use your gluteus muscles, or buttocks.

what are the Modifications of Poorvottanasana?

Chair Support:

  • Place your hands on the seat just behind you while seated on the edge of a chair.
  • Raise your hips gently off the chair, preserving your legs upright
  • This eases wrist strain and supports your back.

Inclined Plane:

  • Position an inflatable pillow or rolled blanket beneath your hips.
  • This lessens the backbend’s angle, which facilitates maintenance.

Wide Leg Variation:

  • Your legs should be somewhat wider than hip-width apart.
  • This can lessen wrist strain and aid in stabilizing the stance.

Folded Blanket under Wrists:

  • To relieve pressure and give cushioning, place a folded blanket beneath your wrists.

Wall Support:

  • Your feet should be leaning against the wall as you face it.
  • This could offer a feeling of security and direction.

what are the variations of Poorvottanasana?

  • Ardha Purvottanasana (Reverse Tabletop Pose):
    • This is a stance used in preparation.
    • Place your palms flat on the ground close to your thighs, thumbs pointing down toward your feet.
    • Make an inverted “V” with your body by raising your hips off the ground.
    • This enables the body to fully express Poorvottanasana.
  • Poorvottanasana with Blocks:
    • Adjust the height of the two blocks beneath your hands to accommodate your range of motion.
    • This can make the pose more approachable and less taxing on your wrists.
  • One-Legged Poorvottanasana:
    • Maintain the Upward Plank Pose by extending one leg straight up toward the ceiling.
    • This variation calls for more core strength and is a bigger challenge.
  • Poorvottanasana with a Leg on the Knee:
    • Put your foot on the other knee while bending the first knee.
    • This variant can increase hip flexibility and deepen the backbend.
  • Poorvottanasana with Hands on a Chair:
    • For support, place your hands on a chair’s seat.
    • Those with wrist problems or beginners may find this tweak useful.
  • Dynamic Variations:
    • To produce a dynamic movement, the transition between Dandasana (Staff Pose) and Poorvottanasana.

What are the Contraindications for a Poorvottanasana?

  • Wrist injuries:
  • Neck injuries
  • High blood pressure
  • Severe migraines
  • General weakness


What are the benefits of upward planking?

This pose stretches and strengthens your shoulders at the same time. It stretches the chest, abdomen, tops of the feet, and ankles while strengthening the arms, upper back, legs, glutes, and wrists. This position challenges and enhances balance while strengthening the core.

Do planks burn belly fat?

A static plank will burn some calories when it comes to burning belly fat, but it won’t help you burn belly fat in a precise way because you can’t see where you’re losing weight.

How many minutes of plank is good?

To get a score higher than average, try to stay in the game for at least two minutes. You are in a great category if you can maintain a plank for more than six minutes. Additionally, you should concentrate on strengthening your core if you have trouble holding a plank for 30 seconds or fewer. Practice two or three times a week to increase your plank time.

Do planks reduce waist size?

1) You will lose weight by performing planks.
Planks will strengthen your transversus abdominus, which will tighten your waist in all directions in a way that crunches could never.


  • EkhartYoga. (2020l, November 6). Upward plank pose – Ekhart Yoga. Ekhart Yoga. https://www.ekhartyoga.com/resources/yoga-poses/upward-plank-pose
  • Purvottanasana Yoga (Upward plank Pose) | Yoga sequences, benefits, variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | Tummee.com. (2018, August 15). Tummee.com. https://www.tummee.com/yoga-poses/upward-plank-pose
  • The Art of Living. (2023, May 31). Upward plank pose (Poorvottanasana). Art Of Living (Global). https://www.artofliving.org/yoga/yoga-poses/inclined-plane-pose-poorvottanasana
  • Purvottanasana – The Inclined Plane | Steps | Benefits | Learn Yogasanas online | Yoga and Kerala. (n.d.). Yoga. https://www.keralatourism.org/yoga/sitting-postures/purvottanasana

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