Tea For Fat Loss
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9 Best Tea For Fat Loss


You might be on to something if you have been considering including tea in your daily routine to aid with weight loss. Not only may some teas be soothing and hydrating, but they can also help you lose weight, particularly if you include them in a healthy, balanced diet.

In addition to its ability to aid in weight control, tea is a rich source of chemicals and antioxidants that can improve general health, lessen inflammation, and even lower the chance of developing chronic illnesses. Whether you choose herbal, black, or green tea, making tea a part of your day could be a fun and healthy habit.

Numerous types of tea contain healthy substances including flavones and catechins that may help reduce body fat and weight.

Tea is becoming a widely used beverage worldwide.

It can be prepared by putting boiling water on tea leaves and letting them steep for a few minutes to allow the taste to seep into the water.

The leaves of Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub indigenous to Asia, are most frequently used to make this fragrant beverage.

Numerous health advantages have been linked to tea use, such as a lower risk of cancer and heart disease.

Tea may even help reduce abdominal fat and aid in weight loss, according to several research. This has been proven to be more successful with some types than others.

Tea For Fat Loss

1. Green tea

One of the most popular tea varieties is green tea, which has numerous health advantages.

It is among the best teas for losing weight as well. Strong data suggests that green tea can help people lose weight and body fat.

One evaluation of 11 studies suggests that green tea may help persons with type 2 diabetes lose belly fat, body weight, and body mass index (BMI).

Moreover, the research pointed out that in studies spanning eight weeks or more, the positive effects of green tea were seen at dosages below 800 mg daily.

Green tea contains naturally occurring antioxidants called catechins, which are thought to aid boost metabolism and fat burning, which could lead to weight loss.

Matcha, a highly concentrated form of powdered green tea that has the same healthful components as ordinary green tea, has the same impact.

2. Puerh tea

Puerh tea is a fermented type of Chinese black tea that is often referred to as pu’er or pu-erh tea.

It has an earthy scent that tends to intensify with storage time and is frequently consumed after a meal.

According to some research on animals, puerh tea may help control the metabolism of fatty acids and reduce blood sugar.

According to additional data, it might also help with weight loss. Actually, according to one study, drinking puerh tea every day was linked to lower levels of body weight, BMI, triglycerides, and cholesterol.

In a different 2014 trial, 70 men received a placebo or a pill containing puerh tea extract. In comparison to the group that took a placebo, the group that took puerh tea capsules lost almost 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) more after three months.

3. Black tea

Black tea has seen greater oxidation than other varieties, including oolong, white, and green teas.

Black tea gets its distinctive dark color from oxidation, a chemical reaction that occurs when tea leaves are exposed to air and results in browning.

Black tea comes in a variety of types and blends, including popular varieties like Earl Grey and English Breakfast.

Black tea may be useful for controlling weight, according to several research.

In comparison to consuming a caffeine-matched control beverage, 111 participants in a 2014 study reported that consuming three cups of powdered black tea daily for three months significantly enhanced weight loss and decreased waist circumference. 

Some speculate that the high levels of polyphenols and flavones, a type of plant pigment with antioxidant qualities, in black tea may be the reason for its possible weight loss effects.

By lowering oxidative stress, increasing fat metabolism, and decreasing calorie intake, these substances are believed to aid in weight loss.

In a previous study, 4,280 adults were tracked for 14 years. According to the study, people who consumed more flavones from foods and drinks like black tea saw a lesser rise in their BMI than people who consumed fewer flavones.

Note that this study only examines the relationship between flavonoid consumption and BMI. To take into consideration additional potential contributing elements, more research is required.

4. Oolong tea

Classic Chinese tea, oolong, is in the middle of black and green teas in terms of color and oxidation.

It is frequently described as having a distinct flavor and a fruity, aromatic scent, however, these can vary greatly based on the degree of oxidation.

According to numerous studies, oolong tea may improve fat burning and speed up metabolism, which could aid in weight loss.

In a previous study, 102 individuals who were overweight or obese drank oolong tea daily for six weeks, which may have contributed to a decrease in body fat and weight. The researchers hypothesized that the tea achieved this via enhancing the body’s fat metabolism.

According to a different study, consuming oolong tea twice a day for 14 days increased fat burning by 20%, which may result in weight loss.

These results suggest that oolong tea may help with weight loss, but additional research is required to fully understand its benefits.

5. White tea

White tea differs from other varieties of tea in that it is gathered when the tea plant is still young and undergoes little processing.

The flavor of white tea is considerably different from that of other tea varieties. Its flavor is delicate, mild, and just a touch sweet.

White tea has several well-established health benefits, ranging from enhancing dental health to, in certain test-tube tests, destroying cancer cells.

White tea may also aid in weight loss and body fat reduction, though more research is required.

White tea is high in catechins, which may aid with weight loss, according to studies.

Additionally, one animal study showed that by raising metabolism, accelerating the breakdown of fat cells, and inhibiting the production of new ones, white tea extract could decrease fat growth in mice fed a high-fat diet.

However, bear in mind that additional research is required to prove the possible benefits of white tea for fat loss and to understand how the results may apply to humans.

6. Herbal tea

Herbs, spices, and fruits are infused in hot water to make herbal teas.

Since they are not usually prepared from Camellia sinensis leaves and do not contain caffeine, they are different from regular teas.

Popular varieties of herbal tea include rooibos, ginger, hibiscus, and rosehip tea.

According to certain research, herbal teas may aid in fat loss and weight loss, even though their formulations and constituents might differ greatly.

High dosages of hibiscus tea decreased BMI and may offer protection against oxidative stress and obesity in rats given a high-sugar diet, according to one animal study.

Rooibos tea is another type of herbal tea that may be especially helpful for burning fat.

Indeed, a study conducted in a test tube in 2014 revealed that rooibos tea boosted fat metabolism and assisted in preventing the development of fat cells.

The impact of herbal teas like rooibos on weight loss, however, needs more human research.

7. Peppermint Tea

Though it works differently than its “true tea” equivalents, such as black and green teas, which directly affect metabolic processes, peppermint tea might be another herbal ally for weight management.

The main ways that peppermint tea may aid in weight loss are by supporting appetite control and digestive wellness. Peppermint’s menthol naturally relaxes muscles, especially in the gastrointestinal tract, which helps to reduce bloating and enhance digestion.

Additionally, peppermint’s energizing, refreshing aroma has been demonstrated to suppress hunger, which may result in a reduction in caloric consumption. Peppermint tea is a calming, calorie-free beverage option that can help with weight reduction, even while it may not immediately enhance fat metabolism due to its effects on hunger control and digestive health.

8. Ginger Tea

The way ginger tea affects digestion and metabolism may help you lose weight. Ginger is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory due to its strong components, including gingerol. These characteristics may contribute to raising the body’s metabolic rate, which may raise the amount of calories burned.

A tiny study found that compared to people who did not drink ginger tea, those who drank a ginger tea-like beverage (ground ginger dissolved in hot water) reported feeling less hungry, consuming less food, and feeling more full.

9. Hibiscus Tea

People who do not want to drink plain water may find that hibiscus tea, with its tart flavor, is a delicious calorie-free beverage. The main substances in hibiscus, such as anthocyanins, may lessen the effect of calorie consumption from sugars and starches by preventing the absorption of carbohydrates.

According to one review, hibiscus extract may help prevent the body from accumulating fat and has anti-obesity properties.


Which tea burns the most fat?

One of the most popular tea varieties is green tea, which has numerous health advantages. It is among the best teas for losing weight as well. Strong data suggests that green tea can help people lose weight and body fat.

What is the healthiest tea to drink daily?

According to Crumble Smith, when it comes to nutritional advantages, green tea provides “the most bang for your buck.” Its higher polyphenol content gives it superior antioxidant qualities compared to black tea. A class of flavonoid chemicals called catechins is present in various forms in green tea.

What tea is for fast metabolism?

White Tea. White tea contains antioxidants that are comparable to those in green tea, which may increase metabolism by an additional 4–5%, according to a study. It could be equivalent to burning an additional 70 to 100 calories every day.

Is tea healthier than coffee?

Coffee consumers can reduce their risk for diabetes and cancer, improve their microbiome, and increase their intake of fiber. However, tea drinkers, do not give up. Tea has been shown to have positive effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, stress, mental health, and productivity. And when it comes to longevity and heart health, both beverages win.

How much tea is a decent amount to have per day?

In addition to being a popular beverage, tea has health and hydration benefits. Tea is a great source of antioxidants that can boost our energy levels, lower stress levels, and improve cardiovascular health. Tea does more than just taste good, though; drinking two to three cups a day can help keep you from being dehydrated.


  • Ld, L. M. M. R. (2024, May 13). 7 Types of Teas That May Help With Weight Loss. Health. https://www.health.com/teas-for-weight-loss-8639989
  • Rd, R. a. M. (2023, March 1). The 6 Best Teas to Lose Weight and Belly Fat. Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/weight-loss-tea#TOC_TITLE_HDR_7

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