Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
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Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

What is Utkatasana (Chair Pose)?

Utkatasana, commonly known as Chair Pose, is a foundational standing posture in yoga. The name is derived from the Sanskrit words “utkata”, meaning intense or powerful, and “asana”, meaning posture.

Chair Pose is a deep-standing yoga squat that focuses on strengthening the link between your pelvic muscles and brain. In addition to strengthening their arms and shoulders, this pose will help novice yogis stretch their spine.

Because of its strong, untamed nature, Utkatasana is often referred to as Fierce Pose in Bikram Yoga. Asana denotes “posture” or “position,” but Utkat means “wild” and “frightening” in Sanskrit.

While the current Utkatasana is credited to the Yoga and Ayurvedic professor Shree Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, an ancient variation of the Chair pose was first recorded in the 19th century’s Sritattvanidhi book. 

The chair In addition to focusing on the breath and mind, the position calls for physical strength and endurance. You will feel as though you are drawing from a vast reservoir of energy while you are in the pose and centered. Utkatasana offers an incredible lesson and an important yoga theory: Long-term, consistent exercise is preferable to a short-term, intense course. Utkatasana and stability in yoga yield profound and long-lasting effects.

This is the second place in Sun Salutation B (Surya Namaskar B). For your hips to receive the proper support and for your knees to feel comfortable, you must have sufficient quadriceps strength to hold the posture for an extended time. To become comfortable in this position, it is vital to work on adjusting the hips, knees, and pelvis. Chair Position Deep Bend (Utkatasana Deep Bend) is a variation of Chair Position (Utkatasana) for beginners.

Which muscles are used in Utkatasana?

  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes
  • Calves
  • Transverse abdominis
  • Erector spinae
  • Pectoralis major
  • Latissimus dorsi
  • Deltoids
  • Triceps

What are the Health Benefits of Utkatasana?

  • enhances stability and core balance.
  • makes the ankle and knee joints stronger.
  • increases focus and mindfulness.
  • increases mindfulness and mental awareness.
  • strengthens the arms, back, legs, and glutes.
  • Abdominal organ function is stimulated by core involvement.
  • improves breathing by opening the diaphragm and chest.
  • Burns excess fat in the arms, legs, glutes, and stomach.
  • stimulates the root, sacral, and throat chakras.
  • enhances the function of the neurological system and activates the spinal column.

What are the Preparatory poses for Utkatasana?

  • Tadasana (Mountain Position)
  • Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute)
  • Ardha Uttanasana (Standing Half Forward Bend)
  • Vajrasana / Thunderbolt Position
  • Garudasana / Eagle Position
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana / Low Lunge Position
  • Bhujangasana / Cobra Position

How to Perform Utkatasana?

  1. Stand up straight, feet slightly apart.
  2. Keep your elbows straight.
  3. Sit in a chair of your imagination by bending your knees and softly pushing your pelvis down.
  4. Try to relax, or at least be relaxed! Consider sitting while reading a newspaper or using a laptop to better grasp the Chair Pose.
  5. Your hands should be parallel to the floor.
  6. Sit up straight and mindfully raise your back. Calm down.
  7. Continue to breathe while reading the newspaper and taking in the local, national, and worldwide news.
  8. As you slowly lower yourself onto the chair, make sure your knees don’t touch your toes.
  9. Continue descending gradually until sitting in Sukhasana, or cross-legged pose. You can lay on your back and unwind if you’d like.

Utkatasana Video:

What are Follow-up poses for Utkatasana?

  • Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Position)
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Position)
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog position)
  • Uttanasana / Forward Fold Position
  • Balasana / Child’s Position
  • Tadasana / Mountain Position

What are the Beginners tips in Utkatasana?

  • To strengthen your legs, imagine squeezing them together as though they were one. To practice this, use a block or rolled-up towel. As you inwardly spin your thighs, visualize squeezing it and trying to fire it out behind you.
  • But, if necessary, you can also spread your feet wider apart to slightly increase the stability of your base.
  • To increase the lift in the upper body, apply pressure firmly via the feet. Distribute weight equally between the heels and balls of the feet.
  • With your hands on your hips or the back of a (stable) chair for support, practice the movement in your legs first.

What are the Variations of Utkatasana?

Utkatasana variants include the Chair Position (Utkatasana) as the basic position.
Because every student is different, a particular yoga pose could be simple for one student but challenging for another. In such circumstances, as a yoga teacher, you might construct position variations to further push a student who is detecting a certain yoga pose easily or introduce a straightforward version of a position for the student who is detecting the main position hard.

Therefore, regardless of their starting skill levels, position modifications can help your students grow and develop more reliance on their yoga exercises. This is where your position as a yoga instructor becomes really important.

Secure your knees: Make sure they don’t cross the line of the toes twice. To see the toes, you must be smart. Conduct your arms lower and/or far apart if your neck or shoulders are irritated. You can aim them directly in front of you or down toward the ground. If not, you could point the fingertips upward and fold the elbows. To secure your lower back, make sure your lower abdomen is pulled back toward your spine. Avoid overarching the lumbar region.

There are so many variations below:

  • Chair Position.
  • Rotated Chair Position.
  • Half Chair Position.
  • Chair Position Airplane Arms.
  • Chair Position Arms Forward.
  • Revolved Chair Position Variation.
  • Revolved Chair Position Easy Stretch.
  • Chair Position On Tiptoes.
  • Chair Position Downward Facing Dog Position Flow.
  • Standing Cat-Cow Position.
  • Bear Position.

What are the Types of Utkatasana?

Stretching your arms in front of you in relation to your chest is a better option than raising them over your chest line if your shoulders are stiff and not very flexible.
It may be different to use the wall beyond to support the hips if stabilizing in this position is a sign of resistance.

Begin If the shoulders and chest are not yet ready, start with the arms resting palms down on the thighs. Work your way slowly from the frontal thighs to the arms, and finally to the upper hold.
Keeping the feet apart should be a good place to start if doing the knees together is hard on the thighs.

For improved stability and grip, pregnant women should keep their hips and feet apart when performing Utkatasana.

If you are new to exercising Utkatasana:
Start by performing the exercise with your feet hip-distance apart if you are unfamiliar with this position or if you find it difficult to maintain your legs squeezing together. To strengthen your inner thighs and maintain your knees pointed forward, you can also position a yoga block between your thighs.

Many of the advantages of the position can still be obtained by performing the exercise while seated in a yoga chair. You can gradually increase the amount of time you can hold yourself off the chair by working to conduct your butt off the chair and float for a brief period.

If you have a neck injury:
Avoid looking up and instead keep your eyes forward. When performing Chair Position exercises, extend across all sides of your neck to increase strength.

If you have tight or strong shoulders:
As in Urdhva Hastasana, separate your hands shoulder-distance apart. To help your shoulders, you can spread your arms as widely apart as necessary. Additionally, you’ll probably want to glance slightly ahead rather than up.

If you have high blood pressure:
Instead of raising your hands upwards, place them on your hips or conduct them to the front of your heart in the Anjali Mudra (Prayer Position).

If you cannot get your heels down:
Tight calves or Achilles tendons are typically the cause of your inability to bring your heels down to the mat in this position. To have something to press your heels into, you can use a bent yoga blanket or yoga thrust and lay it beneath them. This will improve your balance and help you stretch your leg muscles.

If your lower back hurts:
The position may cause your lower back to get completely exhausted. Focus on toning your belly (Uddiyana Bandha), putting your tailbone under you a little, and charming your butt muscles (glutes).

What are the precautions and contraindications for performing Utkatasana?

Though yoga is for everyone, keep in mind that not everyone is suited for every position. For information on how to do this posture safely if your body needs additional support, check the Modifications section. The chair position (Utkatasana) contraindications are listed below.

Injury and Surgery:
Exercise in this position will be challenging if you have chronic knee discomfort or an injury. Therefore, it is recommended to do it once the knees are fully recovered or strong enough. Since all of these joints are used in this position, students who have injuries to their shoulders, ankles, or hips should stay away from them.

Lack of Body-Breath Connections:
In order to maintain the position, students who need body-breath relations may hold their breath. In addition to not meeting the breathing pattern requirements, these kids may shake their knees when delivering or disposing of the position. They should be taught this in-front activity by yoga instructors.

Physical Strength and Weak Body :
For people with high blood pressure, keep your arms down or in the Anjali Mudra (Prayer Position). This position should be avoided by those who suffer from vertigo or migraines. When the arms are raised, the neck fold may produce dizziness and instability. This treatment involves a modest compression of the jugular vein and the carotid arteries, two blood veins on either side of the neck that deliver blood to the brain.

The major arteries found here are connected to the jugular vein. Several veins in the neck, including the jugular vein, carry deoxygenated blood from the face, brain, and neck to the heart. This strains their blood vessels and brain. Additionally, this posture must be avoided by those who have weak ankles, knees, or hips to prevent joint dislocation during delivery.

Both the Chair Position On Chair Hands On Knees (Utkatasana On Chair Hands On Knees) and the Chair Position Variation At Wall (Utkatasana Variation At Wall) are excellent substitutes for elderly individuals and those with weak bodies. The posture is best performed gradually with guidance or mastery of simpler positions to reduce the injuries before exercising this position since severe arthritis or acute spondylitis would cause more joint pain.

Because it is taxing on the hips and legs to support the weight of the womb, pregnant women in the third trimester should avoid this position. This position is not ideal for senior citizens since they lack core and knee strength. Postpartum women who are still strengthening their pelvic and hip joints should avoid this position.

Therapy and Restorative:
Even though this is a pose that strengthens the knees and body, yoga instructors must assess their students’ physical fitness and rule out serious spinal conditions, knee replacements, or severe back discomfort before beginning any exercise. To open up the joints and prevent injuries during the front exercise of Chair Position (Utkatasana), yoga instructors should require their students to perform Standing Shoulder Rolls, Fold Elbows, and Rotation of the Knees when Seated and Standing (Tadasana Goolf Chakra).


What is Utkatasana and its benefits?

Chair pose, also known as utkatasana, is a vigorous yoga practice that works your entire body and tests your concentration, strength, and balance. Although it may appear straightforward, this pose works for several different muscle groups and offers many advantages to practitioners of all skill levels.

What are the disadvantages of Utkatasana?

Physical Strength and Weak Body: This pose should be avoided for students who have migraines, high blood pressure, or vertigo. The neck bend with arms lifted might create dizziness and unbalance. The carotid artery and jugular vein experience mild pressure as a result of this activity.

What is the other name of Utkatasana?

In modern yoga, Utkatasana, also known as Chair position or furious position (Sanskrit: उत्कटासन; IAST: Utkaṭāsana), is a standing pose used for fitness.

How long to hold a Chair Pose?

Breathe out while bending your knees such that your thighs and knees remain parallel. To make a right angle with the tops of your thighs, lean your torso forward. Make sure your head and neck are in alignment with your arms and torso. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

How many calories do you burn in Utkatasana?

Utkatasana engages the core for stability and strengthens the lower body, especially the quadriceps, glutes, and calves. This pose is an effective way to burn calories because it just takes a minute to hold and burns about 5–10 calories.


  • EkhartYoga. (2020a, November 6). Chair Pose / Powerful Pose – Ekhart Yoga. Ekhart Yoga. https://www.ekhartyoga.com/resources/yoga-poses/chair-pose-powerful-pose
  • Utkatasana (Chair Pose). (n.d.). MyYogaTeacher. https://myyogateacher.com/yoga-asana/utkatasana
  • Sorathiya, D. (2024e, October 21). Utkatasana Yoga pose: Health Benefits, How to do? – Variations. Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic. https://mobilephysiotherapyclinic.in/utkatasana-yoga-pose/
  • Rakshak, & Rakshak. (2024b, June 18). Utkatasana (Chair Pose) | How to do | Benefits – The Art Of Living. The Art of Living – Making Life A Celebration. https://www.artofliving.org/in-en/yoga/yoga-poses/utkatasana-chair-pose
  • If the shoulders and chest are not yet ready, start with the arms resting palms down on the thighs. Work your way slowly from the frontal thighs to the arms, and finally to the upper hold.
    Keeping the feet apart should be a good place to start if doing the knees together is hard on the thighs.

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