12 Best Yoga For Abdominal Fat
Although many people struggle with persistent abdominal fat, it’s interesting to note that yoga provides a comprehensive solution. By utilizing a variety of effective poses, it engages the core, strengthens muscles, and enhances metabolism.
Breathing techniques also play a vital role in facilitating fat loss by improving digestion and increasing oxygen circulation to tissues. Yoga addresses the underlying factors contributing to abdominal fat, such as stress and hormonal issues. By calming the mind and decreasing cortisol levels, it helps prevent weight gain linked to stress. Below are two sequences of asanas designed to effectively aid in reducing abdominal fat.
In today’s world, everyone recognizes the importance of yoga. Yoga serves as a holistic package aimed at thoroughly cleansing the body—mentally, physically, and spiritually. We can all attest to how revitalized and energized we feel when we begin our day with yoga. Additionally, certain yoga poses for weight loss are incredibly effective, and others can assist you in shedding pounds to achieve that fit physique you’ve always desired. Yes, with dedication and effort, it is achievable. Now, let’s explore the 10 yoga poses that can promote weight loss if practiced consistently.
These yoga poses will enhance your flexibility, boost metabolism, and build core strength while increasing stamina. Through various twists, bends, and inversions, you activate previously inactive muscles, accelerating the weight loss process.
Factors Leading to Belly Fat
Eating Patterns: Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and sugary foods.
Insufficient Exercise: A sedentary lifestyle with little physical activity.
Hereditary Factors: Genetic tendencies to accumulate fat around the stomach.
Emotional Stress: High levels of cortisol, the hormone related to stress, can promote fat storage in the abdomen.
Categories of Belly Fat
Subcutaneous Fat: Resides just beneath the skin and is generally not harmful.
Visceral Fat: Encircles internal organs and poses considerable health threats.
How Yoga Helps with Belly Fat
Yoga enhances your mindfulness, making you conscious of your eating habits and food choices. Over time, this leads to a more balanced and nutritious diet, which contributes to the reduction of belly fat.
Yoga poses provide the essential movement needed to strengthen the core, improve power, and burn calories. Twists and bends target stubborn stomach fat, aiding in toning and flattening the abdomen. Many positions also alleviate digestive issues like constipation, indigestion, and bloating, all of which contribute to belly fat. During a yoga class, you continually engage your core, which strengthens your abs and diminishes fat around your midsection.
Stress Management
As mentioned earlier, stress significantly impacts digestion. Yoga practices assist in managing stress, which in turn ensures healthy and balanced digestion. When your digestion is functioning well, you avoid gut-related issues, leading to reduced belly fat.
Stress Management
As previously stated, stress is a major factor affecting digestion. Lower cortisol levels result in improved digestion, metabolism, and weight loss. Effectively manage stress through yoga practices, including breathwork, meditation, and relaxation techniques. Ujjayi (ocean’s breath), Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), and Brahmari (humming bee breath) are particularly effective for stress relief. Participating in a meditation or Yoga Nidra class with an instructor can help you experience the many benefits of these relaxation methods.
Alongside yoga, it’s essential to maintain a healthy diet by eliminating sugary foods and beverages, as well as processed items. Although incorporating yoga into your daily routine may require time and effort, once it becomes a habit and you start to notice changes in your body, you’ll find it hard to miss a class!
An Overview of Yoga
Yoga is an ancient discipline encompassing physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation aimed at enhancing overall well-being. It originated in India thousands of years ago and has become widely recognized globally for its many health advantages.
The Impact of Yoga on Body Fat
Yoga aids in weight loss and fat reduction through several mechanisms:
Enhanced Metabolism: Certain yoga techniques activate metabolism, promoting calorie burning.
Stress Alleviation: Reducing cortisol levels helps limit the accumulation of belly fat.
Better Digestion: Yoga postures stimulate the digestive tract, improving nutrient absorption and waste elimination.
Yoga Asanas for Targeting Abdominal Fat
Chaturanga Dandasana (Low Plank)

Begin in a plank position, then lower yourself into a half-push-up so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
As you descend, ensure your elbows touch the sides of your ribs to maintain a 90-degree angle at the elbows.
Your wrists and elbows should remain level with the ground, your shoulders should be drawn in, and your body should be aligned.
Hold this pose for ten to fifteen seconds.
Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend)
From a standing posture, bend forward.
Aim to place your palms flat on the ground.
It’s acceptable to bend your knees to make this position easier.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This position primarily focuses on strengthening your abdominal muscles while relaxing the lower back.
Lie face down on the ground.
Spread your arms on the floor beside your shoulders.
Extend your legs back with the tops of your feet touching the ground, and slowly inhale while lifting your upper body.
Ensure that your pubis and toes create a straight line and remain in contact with the floor.
Maintain this position for 25-30 seconds.
Release the pose and return to the lying position while exhaling.
Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

This pose may appear simple, but it can actually be quite challenging for your abdominal muscles, which is what contributes to their strengthening.
Beginning by laying facedown on the ground.
Bend your knees and grasp your feet with your hands.
Inhale and simultaneously lift both your hands and feet, raising your thighs and chest.
Maintain this position for up to 30 seconds, gradually working up to 90 seconds.
Release the pose with an exhale.
Kumbhakasana (The plank)
Often regarded as the most popular and recognizable pose, the plank is among the best for burning belly fat and toning muscles.

Lie face down.
Elevate your body onto straightened arms.
Balance on your toes.
Look either forward or down.
Hold this pose for as long as possible, then take a break and repeat several times. Aim to increase your sustaining time with each practice.
Halasana (Plough pose)

While lying on your back, place your palms on the floor beside you.
Using your abdominal muscles, lift your legs to a 90-degree angle.
Press your palms firmly into the ground.
Tuck your legs behind your head.
If needed, support your lower back with your hands.
Hold the position for a few breaths.
Sustain this pose for 15 to 20 seconds.
Consider Halasana to help reduce belly fat.
Chakrasana (Wheel pose)

Sit back and rotate your arms at the shoulders, placing your hands on the ground beside your head.
Take a deep breath in, then arch your body upwards.
Distribute your body weight evenly across your four limbs.
Sustain this posture for 15–20 seconds.
Naukasana (Boat pose)

This pose is excellent for targeting your lateral and front abdominal muscles while strengthening your core.
Lie on your back facing upward.
Place your hands by your side and relax your shoulders; keep your legs straight.
Gradually lift your hands and legs off the ground at the same time, engaging your core.
Aim for a 45-degree angle so your body forms a V-shape. Hold this for 60 seconds while practicing deep breathing.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

This pose is more challenging, so only attempt it if you do not have any back issues.
Kneel on the floor with your knees hip-width apart and your thighs perpendicular to the ground.
Rest your hands on your lower back, with fingers pointing downward while gently arching your back inward.
Slowly lean backward to grasp your heels with your hands. Keep your spine straight without straining your neck.
Sustain the pose for up to one minute.
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana

The downward-facing dog pose can assist you in learning to balance and also help strengthen your abs.
Assume the downward-facing dog position.
Straighten one leg and lift it upwards.
Lower the lifted leg beneath your abdomen.
Repeat this for each leg ten times, then take a break.
Vasisthasana (Side Plank Pose)

A variation of the plank, this pose is slightly more advanced but just as effective for burning belly fat.
How to perform:
- After completing the downward-facing dog pose
- Rotate to your right side, lifting your left palm off the ground.
- Begin in Santolanasana (Plank).
- Moving your weight to the left or right foot.
- Tilt your body to one side.
- Raise your opposite arm upwards.
- Keep this stance for 15–30 seconds.
- Return to the downward-facing dog pose.
- Align your feet correctly.
- Repeat on the other side.
Santolanasana (Normal Plank pose)
Start by lying on your stomach, place your hands under your shoulders, lift your pelvis, knees, and upper body off the ground, and grip the floor with your toes.
Ensure that your spine, pelvis, and knees are aligned, with your wrists directly below your shoulders and your arms straight; hold this final position for a bit.
Enhance your weight loss journey with a plank!
Yoga Routines for Belly Fat Loss
Morning Yoga Routine
Start with gentle stretches to awaken the body.
Include dynamic poses such as Sun Salutations to enhance blood circulation and energy levels.
Concentrate on poses that strengthen the core, like Boat Pose and Plank Pose.
Conclude with relaxation poses or meditation to establish a positive mindset for the day.
Evening Yoga Routine
Unwind from your day with soothing poses and deep breathing techniques.
Add twists and stretches to alleviate tension in the abdominal region.
Engage in relaxation practices like Yoga Nidra to encourage a restful night’s sleep.
Steer clear of vigorous poses that may energize the body and disrupt sleep.
Weekly Yoga Schedule
Strive for a minimum of 3-5 yoga sessions each week for the best results.
Vary your routines to focus on different muscle groups and keep things interesting.
Plan for longer sessions on days when you have more time and shorter ones on busier days.
Take rest days to avoid overexertion and support muscle recovery.
Intensity and Duration of Yoga Sessions
Slowly increase the intensity and length of yoga sessions as your fitness level rises.
Listen to your body’s signals and refrain from pushing past your limits.
Target a balanced combination of strength, flexibility, and relaxation techniques.
Use modifications as necessary to suit individual capabilities and restrictions.
Diet and Nutrition Tips to Complement Yoga
Foods to Avoid for Belly Fat Reduction
Processed Foods: These are loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, and additives that lead to weight gain.
Sugary Beverages: These drinks, including sodas and sweetened juices, are high in empty calories and can lead to abdominal fat accumulation.
Trans Fats: Present in fried items and baked goods, these fats contribute to an increase in visceral fat.
Foods to Incorporate for Belly Fat Loss
Vegetables: Rich in fiber and nutrients, they help with digestion and increase feelings of fullness.
Lean Proteins: Sources like chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes offer essential amino acids for muscle recovery and metabolic health.
Healthy Fats: Foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil benefit heart health and help control appetite.
Hydration and Its Role in Weight Loss
Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep hydrated.
Choose water over sugary drinks to minimize calorie consumption.
Proper hydration supports digestion, metabolism, and overall health.
Lifestyle Changes for Sustainable Results
Engage in stress-relief practices like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises.
Put self-care activities and hobbies first to help you relax and unwind.
Foster a positive outlook and attitude to handle life’s challenges with resilience.
Quality Sleep for Weight Loss
Aim for 7-9 hours of good quality sleep each night to aid weight loss and overall wellness.
Create a suitable sleep environment by reducing noise, light, and electronic disturbances.
Maintain a consistent sleep routine to regulate your circadian rhythms and enhance restorative sleep.
Incorporating Physical Activity Beyond Yoga
Complement your yoga sessions with other physical activities like walking, cycling, or strength training.
Integrate movement into your daily life by taking the stairs, gardening, or dancing.
Find enjoyable activities that you can sustain for long-term commitment.
Tracking Progress and Adjusting Strategies
Keep a journal to document yoga practices, food intake, and overall progress.
Acknowledge small achievements and milestones throughout your journey to stay inspired.
Be adaptable and ready to modify strategies based on your results and physical feedback.
Seek guidance from a yoga teacher, nutritionist, or healthcare provider if needed.
Most Common Myths About Yoga and Belly Fat Loss
- Yoga Alone Can’t Guarantee Spot Reduction
- Yoga can aid in overall fat loss and body weight reduction but cannot specifically target areas like the belly.
- Rapid Weight Loss Expectations
- Achieving healthy weight loss takes time and consistency; expecting quick results can lead to frustration and disappointment.
Benefits of Yoga Mudra for Weight Loss
Yoga Mudras are founded on the Ayurvedic concept of the five elements that compose the human body—Jal (Water), Prithvi (Earth), Akash (Space), Vayu (Air), and Agni (Fire). When these elements become unbalanced, the body is more susceptible to illness. Mudras assist in restoring this balance.
Practicing mudras provides a convenient form of exercise because it can be done anywhere and does not require specialized knowledge.
If weight loss is your goal, incorporating yoga mudras can stimulate the organs responsible for regulating your appetite, digestion, and metabolism. When these three factors are activated, weight loss will begin.
Different combinations of finger positions in these hand mudras channel distinct energies from the fingers into the body. This redirection of energies encourages specific organs and nerves to generate new energies that support weight loss.
Mudras may yield varying results for different individuals. If practiced consistently for 3-4 weeks, you may start to notice the effects. Typically, significant results from a mudra can take about 6-8 weeks to become evident.
Each mudra should be practiced for at least 30 minutes when aiming for weight loss.
When a mudra is performed with commitment, noticeable benefits can become apparent quite rapidly.
Practicing mudra can:
- Promote the flow of subtle energy throughout the body, which enhances your overall health and wellness.
- Enhance both energy levels and focus.
- Strengthen the immune system.
- Assist in achieving high-quality sleep.
- Help alleviate symptoms of asthma.
- Relieve mental tension, anger, restlessness, and frustration.
- Improve a person’s awareness and mindfulness.
- Support the processing of intense emotions such as anger, jealousy, and grief.
- Aid in changing a person’s mood, viewpoint, and attitude.
Yoga Mudras for Weight Loss
- Surya (Agni) Mudra for Weight Loss
This mudra is quite effective for weight reduction and calorie burning. It is one of the simplest mudras to practice, ideally performed in the morning after waking up. You can do the Surya (Agni) Mudra for Weight Loss for approximately 10 minutes.
The Surya (Agni) Mudra for Weight Loss is beneficial for shedding pounds as it enhances blood circulation and aids in better digestion. Consequently, this leads to a decrease in the number of calories absorbed by your body.
How to do:
- Sit up straight.
- Bend the ring finger down to the palm and touch it with the thumb.
- Place your hands on your thighs and remain in this position for a while. You may include some breathing exercises during this time. Aim to practice it for 45 minutes daily, with 15-minute breaks between sessions.
- Helpful for stomach issues.
- Accelerates digestion.
- Enhances metabolic function.
Linga Mudra for Weight Loss
This particular mudra is excellent for losing weight and addressing health concerns such as heart problems, high blood pressure, and insomnia. It is most effective when performed in the evening or just before bedtime.
The Linga Mudra for Weight Loss is beneficial in balancing your body’s hormones and improving the digestive system, both of which are essential for weight loss.
How to do:
- Sit comfortably with your legs crossed.
- Interlock the fingers from both hands, keeping the palms pressed together.
- Keep your left thumb raised.
- Practice this mudra daily for 20-30 minutes.
- Aids in combating cold and cough.
- Strengthens the lungs.
Kapha-Nashak Mudra
This mudra is particularly effective for managing conditions like obesity, hypertension, and digestive issues. It should ideally be performed in the morning to kickstart your day.
The Kapha-Nashak Mudra is advantageous for weight loss as it helps balance your body’s pH levels. An imbalance in pH can lead to weight gain, and this mudra works to maintain those levels, thereby preventing weight increase.
How to do:
- Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.
- Fold the ring and little fingers toward the palm.
- Then, join them with your thumb.
- Apply a comfortable level of pressure.
- Practice this mudra for 30-45 minutes each day.
- Enhances digestion.
- Helps reduce body fat.
If you wish to leverage yoga for weight loss, commit to yourself and your practice.
Implement small, gradual adjustments and establish realistic goals to increase your chances of adherence.
As you enhance your practice and awareness, you may find yourself instinctively drawn to nourishing foods and healthier lifestyles.
While weight loss isn’t assured, it’s quite probable, and the benefits may go beyond just losing weight.
These yoga poses for weight loss can assist you in getting fit. However, remember that yoga is just one of many elements in your weight loss journey. To achieve quick and desired outcomes, it’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet and include some form of exercise. Practicing yoga in the early morning is ideal; it can alleviate stress and the heaviness that can accompany a busy life. Beginning your day with yoga will help you feel more flexible and nimble, and soon it can become an essential part of your daily routine.
Nevertheless, if you have any chronic issues or pain in specific areas of your body, you should consult your doctor or a certified yoga instructor. Some poses may be quite intense and could adversely affect an already troubled muscle or body part without proper guidance.
Can yoga help in reducing belly fat?
Other workouts like strength training, Pilates, and yoga can aid in losing belly fat. Seated exercises can effectively burn calories and boost your aerobic fitness if you find standing or walking challenging.
Which yoga poses can reduce belly fat in one week?
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)—the mix of forward bends, lunges, and downward-facing dog pose promotes circulation, boosts metabolism, and improves flexibility. Aim to do 10 to 15 rounds of Sun Salutations daily to jumpstart your weight loss journey.
Is it possible to lose weight with 30 minutes of yoga?
Yoga can support weight loss, but consistency and time are necessary. For visible results, practice weight loss-oriented yoga for at least 30 minutes each day.
Can I shed 10 kg in a month through yoga?
No, dedicating 20 minutes a day to yoga alone is unlikely to result in losing 10 kg in a month. While yoga can be a valuable part of a weight loss plan, significant weight loss generally requires a blend of healthy eating practices, regular exercise, and lifestyle modifications.
Is it feasible to lose weight in 7 days with yoga?
Losing weight through yoga necessitates dedication and regular practice. Yoga encourages physical activity, burns calories, and may help in preventing weight gain. The mental and spiritual dimensions of yoga aim to foster mindfulness, making you more aware of how different foods impact your mind, body, and spirit.
- Yoga, B. S. O. (n.d.). How to employ yoga to reduce abdominal fat. Bodhi School of Yoga. https:/www.bodhischoolofyoga.com/blogs-and-insights/how-to-use-yoga-to-get-rid-of-belly-fat
- 6 yoga asanas which assist you lose belly fat. Urban Company. https:/www.urbancompany.com/blog/6-yoga-asanas-to-help-you-burn-your-belly-fat
- Stop accumulating belly fat with these ten yoga positions. Healthshots. https:/www.healthshots.com/fitness/weight-loss/10-yoga-poses-to-reduce-belly-fat-during-winter-season/
- Yoga for weight loss. Healthline.https:/www.healthline.com/health/yoga-for-weight-loss
- 6 Yoga mudras for weight reduction you should try! Yog4lyf. https:/yog4lyf.com/post/6-yoga-mudra-for-weight-loss-you-must-try/