How Do You Get Rid of Upper Belly Fat
Many people suffer from upper belly fat, which usually comes from a confluence of lifestyle, nutrition, and heredity. Since extra visceral fat can result in major health problems including insulin resistance and abdominal obesity, it is imperative to address this area for both aesthetic and health reasons.
Diet and exercise are two strategies that can help decrease belly fat, but HR Plastic Surgery’s surgical procedures provide long-lasting and efficient results. Continue reading to learn everything there is to know about losing fat around the upper abdomen.
Visceral and subcutaneous fat are both included in upper belly fat, sometimes known as abdominal fat. Hormonal fluctuations, poor food, lack of exercise, and genetics can all lead to its accumulation. Significant health hazards, such as insulin resistance and increased body weight, are associated with excess visceral fat around the colon bowel, or abdominal organs. To improve body fat distribution and achieve effective fat loss, it is imperative to comprehend these causes.
How to reduce upper belly fat
There are some significant differences between upper and lower abdominal fat. It is more difficult to lose lower abdominal fat since it is a little more resistant to absorption. However, fat in the upper abdomen can also be obstinate.
It’s a fallacy that you can exercise to target particular body fat deposits. It is impossible to reduce body fat in just one place without also reducing body fat overall.
Your strategy will essentially include the same elements regardless of the amount of weight or fat you’re attempting to lose: calorie restriction, weight training, and lifestyle changes.
Recognize that having some body fat is healthy, normal, and a natural aspect of being human before you begin to strive to lose it. It may be particularly difficult and time-consuming to lose upper belly fat if your body mass index (BMI) is already low.
Lifestyle changes for weight loss
You can reduce abdominal fat in ways more than just exercising and consuming fewer calories.
Drink water
Some people find that drinking water speeds up their weight reduction. Additionally, it reduces inflammation, enhances digestion, hydrates muscles for increased performance during exercise, and eliminates toxins from the body.
Cut down on stress
Even if you’re doing everything you should to lose fat, stress may be the cause of the deposits to remain.
Although you may not be able to completely eradicate stress from your life, you can experiment with coping strategies like mindfulness, yoga, and deep breathing.
Create a smoking cessation plan
However, it will be simpler to increase your level of physical activity and you could find it easier to lose weight after you stop. Additionally, you’ll be much healthier.
It can be difficult to stop smoking, but you can work with your doctor to develop a strategy that works for you.
11 natural ways to reduce belly fat
Focus on low-calorie foods
- Eating fewer calories than the body burns is one of the best strategies to reduce body fat. Loss of body fat, notably in the abdomen, may result from this.
- Research indicates that a calorie deficit has a significant role in weight loss.
- Additionally, foods with fewer calories tend to be more nutrient-dense than those with higher calories. One effective strategy to establish a calorie deficit and enhance health is to consume fewer foods that are high in calories but low in nutrients, such as processed foods, baked goods, and french fries.
- One can experiment with substituting nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole-grain foods for higher-calorie items.
Eliminate sugary drinks
- A Reassessment in 2020 According to a reliable source, one of the main causes of obesity in the US is excessive sugar intake. By encouraging insulin resistance and causing inflammation all over the body, a high-sugar diet may raise visceral fat levels.
- High sugar content in beverages can be easily consumed without being aware of it. Checking the sugar content of drinks like soda, sweetened tea, and coffee is therefore advised.
- Reducing the sugar content of hot beverages and giving up soda can help many people cut back on their intake of sugar.
Eat fewer refined carbs
- White bread, refined grains, and sugary foods and beverages are sources of these carbohydrates. Additionally, studies have connected the formation of visceral fat to refined carbohydrates.
- One can experiment with substituting complex carbs with processed ones.
Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Complex carbohydrates, a low-calorie, healthier substitute for refined carbohydrates, can be found in fruits and vegetables.
- Vegetables and fruits also have dietary fiber.
Go for lean proteins
- By including them in the diet, one might lessen cravings for sugary snacks and promote feelings of fullness after eating.
- Simultaneously, it can aid in cutting back on or doing away with the consumption of fatty meats, such as processed and beef.
Choose healthful fats
- A healthy diet must contain some dietary fat, but not all fats are created equal.
- They are intimately associated with the formation of visceral fat and can also result in weight gain.
- Instead, eating healthy fats can offer a number of advantages and help lower total body fat.
- avocados
- chia seeds
- eggs
- fatty fish
- nuts and nut butter
- olives
Develop a workout
- Exercise can help people lose weight all over their body, even around their abdomen.
- Reducing fat in specific locations is not feasible. This implies that specific workouts, like sit-ups and crunches, won’t always burn belly fat more effectively than other types of exercise.
- Nonetheless, the abdominal muscles can be toned and strengthened with these activities, giving the appearance of greater definition.
Boost overall activity
- Calorie burning is aided by increasing activity levels throughout the day. Increased movement can help improve mood and build muscle.
- Here are some pointers for raising daily exercise levels:
- Taking frequent stops to stretch when sitting for extended periods of time
walking or cycling rather than driving or utilizing public transportation, parking farther away from a destination, employing a standing workstation, or using the stairs rather than the elevator.
Try cardio
- The heart is pumped via cardiovascular exercise or cardio. Additionally, it burns calories, which tones muscles and helps lose body fat.
Among the cardiac exercises are:
- walking
- running
- using an exercise bike
- swimming
Try high-intensity interval training
- To burn calories, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) alternates periods of intense exercise with less strenuous activity. For example, HIIT could include a three-minute walking and 30-second running cycle.
Try strength training
- Building muscle mass is the main goal of strength training, and since muscle burns more calories than fat, it can help people lose weight.
- Because stronger muscles can support the body more effectively, they lessen the load on the bones and joints, which is another way that strength training can enhance bone and joint health.
- Strength exercise is advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) a twice a week.
Non-Surgical Methods to Reduce Upper Belly Fat
Diet and Nutrition
The key to reducing abdominal fat is eating a balanced diet. Burning abdominal fat can be achieved by eating more nutrient-dense foods and consuming less saturated fat. Maintaining proper hydration also promotes general health and weight loss by preventing weight gain and reducing body fat.
When attempting to reduce weight, what you eat counts. There are a few key considerations if you’re on a diet to lose fat around your middle.
Your body may store water weight, which can lead to upper abdominal fat. Your body may retain water as a result of electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, and sodium intake. Your stomach and other parts of your body may appear bloated as a result. When trying to reduce abdominal fat, follow a low-salt diet.
The amount of fiber you consume can also have an impact on belly fat. Gases and garbage in your digestive system might push your stomach out when you don’t eat enough fiber. This is caused by a slow-moving stomach that lacks the fiber necessary to move food through and out of your digestive system quickly.
For this reason, eating a diet rich in foods high in fiber can help reduce belly fat and weight. Because fiber prolongs feelings of fullness, it also makes calorie reduction easier.
Keep away from processed grains, white starches, sugary foods, and soft drinks if you’re trying to reduce belly fat. Your endocrine system may be upset by these meals, which might make it more difficult for your body to let go of fat.
Exercises that effectively target upper abdominal fat include strength training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Cardio and strength exercises together help reduce body fat distribution and stomach fat by increasing muscle mass, increasing metabolism, and promoting fat loss.
Boat pose

- Start with Boat Pose if you want to practice yoga for weight loss.
- Stretch your legs as far as you can and raise your arms in front of you.
- For at least 30 seconds, hold the stance while paying attention to your breathing.
- To activate your core and upper abdomen, return to a neutral position and repeat 8–10 times.
Russian twists

- Even though this exercise is easy, after just a few repetitions, your upper abs will start to burn. To make this more difficult, you can also use a medicine ball or weights.
- Lean back till you are at a 45-degree angle with the floor while maintaining a flat butt and tightening your abs.
- Just over your abdomen, bring your hands together. Bring your weight across one side of your body by slowly twisting it to one side.
- Return to the opposite side by twisting.
- If you can, quickly twist back and forth while keeping your legs at a 45-degree angle.
- Before you quit, try to continue for a full minute.
Upward plank

- By targeting the deep transverse abdominis muscles, which are sometimes overlooked during exercises, this exercise tones your upper abdomen.
- As you contract your abdominal muscles, visualize a cord that is fastened to your belly button and draws you upward. Push your tummy up with your palms. If you can, rise higher by using your heels.
- Hold this position for a few seconds, then let go and control your way back to the neutral position. For one set, repeat ten to twelve times.
Side planks

- These planks target both your obliques and upper abdomen.
- With one arm extended, lie flat on one side.
- Your extended arm’s forearm should support the weight of your body. Squeeze yourself into a sideways plank position using your oblique muscles.
- For as long as you can, raise the arm that isn’t on the ground toward the ceiling.
- Return to the starting position gradually.
Lifestyle Changes
For fat loss, stress management and getting enough sleep are essential. While sleep promotes metabolic health and weight loss efforts, assisting in the reduction of extra visceral fat, stress can result in weight gain and increased body fat.
Surgical Methods to Reduce Upper Belly Fat
By removing fat deposits, liposuction gives the body a more defined outline. It works well for people with localized subcutaneous fat in the upper abdomen that doesn’t go away with diet and exercise. Usually, recovery is rapid, and within a few weeks, benefits are apparent.
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
By tightening the abdominal muscles and removing extra fat and skin, a stomach tuck gives the illusion of tighter abs. Those with substantial loose skin and persistent non-visceral upper belly fat under the skin are the best candidates. A few weeks of minimal activity are necessary for recovery.
Mini Tummy Tuck
For patients who have little extra skin, the tiny tummy tuck is perfect because it addresses the lower abdomen. With less extensive surgery and a faster recovery period, it provides advantages comparable to a full stomach tuck.
- By encouraging a balanced diet, high-intensity interval training, and stress management, a combination of dietary, exercise, and lifestyle modifications can greatly aid in the reduction of upper abdominal fat. However, surgical techniques like liposuction, stomach tucks, and small tummy tucks provide good options for people looking for more rapid and long-lasting results.
- By successfully removing stubborn fat deposits, these operations can improve your body’s contours, your overall health, and your attractiveness.
- Reducing belly fat can greatly enhance the health of many people. It is important to remember, nevertheless, that abdominal fat cannot be precisely targeted or decreased.
- Instead, it is advised to follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen in order to lose weight overall. Over time, these lifestyle modifications should help reduce belly fat.
What is the best at burning tummy fat?
Walking, especially at a fast speed, is one of the best aerobic and cardio activities for belly fat.
What makes women’s upper bodies fat?
Consuming too many sweet meals and overeating can result in full upper body fat. Stress, despair, and anxiety are the main causes of lower abdominal fat. Reduced body fat: This kind of fat is caused by eating too much gluten, such as in bread or whole grains.
How can I lose fat in my upper abdomen in two weeks?
Combining strength training and aerobic exercise is actually the greatest way to lose stubborn belly fat because it will improve muscle mass, burn calories, and speed up metabolism. On most days of the week, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, which can be as easy as brisk walking.
Does walking help people lose abdominal fat?
The takeaway. Walking is a simple, moderate-intensity workout that you can fit into your everyday routine. You can lose weight and abdominal fat just by walking more frequently.
What caused me to gain fat in my upper abdomen?
Growing older also has an impact. As people age, they lose muscle. Additionally, the issue is more severe for people who do not engage in physical activity.
How can I burn fat in my upper abdomen?
You can reduce belly fat by doing things like lifting weights, eating more protein, and consuming less alcohol. Excess belly fat can have a detrimental impact on one’s health and may be a contributing factor to a number of chronic illnesses.
What is the greatest exercise for fat in the upper abdomen?
Any activity that increases your heart rate, such as dancing, swimming, jogging, or walking, is considered aerobic exercise. Playing with your kids, cleaning, and gardening might also fall under this category.
How can I conceal the fat in my upper abdomen?
Here’s how to cover up your stomach. Untuck your clothing and choose a loose, relaxed fit for the top and a more fitted, tighter fit for the bottom. Keep your outfit simple and wear only one color. To slim the torso, choose an open blazer and stay away from anything bulky.
What leads to obesity in the upper abdomen?
Hormonal fluctuations, poor food, lack of exercise, and genetics can all lead to its accumulation. Significant health hazards, such as insulin resistance and increased body weight, are associated with excess visceral fat around the colon or bowel, or abdominal organs.
Why is the top of my belly fat?
Your body may store water weight, which can lead to upper abdominal fat. Your body may retain water as a result of electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, and sodium intake. Your stomach and other parts of your body may appear bloated as a result. When trying to reduce abdominal fat, follow a low-salt diet.
How can I reduce belly fat effectively?
Focus on a healthy diet and consistent exercise, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), to efficiently reduce belly fat. If lifestyle modifications alone are not enough, surgical treatments such as liposuction may also be helpful.
Which foods aid in the burning of belly fat?
In a similar vein, no particular diet can burn belly fat directly. Nonetheless, adhering to a nutritious diet can be beneficial. Consuming foods high in soluble fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, oats, and barley, is usually part of this.
Additionally, a person can eat meals strong in protein, like beans, lean meat, and fish.
Avoiding or limiting foods high in trans fats, added sugars, and refined carbohydrates is also advised, as is cutting back on alcohol consumption.
Which workouts are best for burning tummy fat?
Numerous workouts can aid in the reduction of fat around the stomach, even though it is impossible to remove fat in a single place. Aerobic exercises are generally helpful for reducing total body fat. This includes heart-rate-raising exercises like dancing, swimming, jogging, and walking.
Weight training, yoga, pilates, and sitting exercises are among the other forms of exercise that can aid in the reduction of belly fat.
What is the best at burning tummy fat?
Targeting and burning belly fat is not possible with a single activity. Rather, it is recommended to engage in aerobic workouts and eat a nutritious diet.
This may contribute to a calorie deficit, which is the state in which an individual utilizes more calories than they take in. Over time, this technique aids in promoting fat loss.
- Watson, K. (2023, March 13). How to Lose Upper Belly Fat the Healthy Way. Healthline.
- Ridha, H. (2024, July 18). How to Get Rid of Upper Belly Fat | HR Plastic Surgery. Mr Hyder Ridha | Plastic Surgeon in North London.
- Kaczerepa, G. (2024, December 18). Upper belly fat: Common causes and tips for reducing it.