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How to Get Rid of Face Fat and Get a Jawline


It can be difficult to lose weight in a particular location. Experts say it is impossible to reduce face fat on the spot. Instead of concentrating on losing weight in one place, you should lose weight generally. You can attain a slim face and reduce weight by altering your lifestyle. Cosmetic surgery can enhance the appearance of your jawline if cost is not an issue.

The buildup of extra fatty tissues on the face that gives it a fuller, rounder appearance is known as face fat. Although chubby cheeks are adorable, people who want sharp features such as a sharp nose, chiseled jawline, and sculpted cheekbones find that face fat and double chins are difficult to remove.

It can be challenging to reduce fat solely on the face, therefore to achieve those sharp, attractive facial features, one may need to think about following a full weight loss program or adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Regular exercise, a diet high in whole fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed and sugary meals, and drinking plenty of water are all effective strategies to lose facial fat.

A person can lose weight and get a smaller face by making additional dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

Why do people become fat on their faces?

Although wrinkles and age spots are often the focus of the cosmetic industry, face fullness can also vary with age. Age-related changes in facial fat are possible, according to Harvard Health Publishing. Previously round features can appear gaunt due to their ability to cluster up and slide lower. In the meantime, the skin around your neck and chin may get baggier and the lower half of your face may get plumper.

Is it possible to lose weight just in your face?

Face fat

Although it can be difficult to focus on one part of your body at a time, there are things you can do to make your face look thinner, less swollen, and toned.

Your face may look smaller if you keep your body mass index (BMI) within the healthy range of 18.5 to 24.9. It’s critical to keep in mind that BMI is not a perfect measure of health. A person’s BMI is calculated by dividing their height in meters squared by their weight in kilograms. It disregards your age, muscle mass, distribution of fat, and amount of fat you carry. Since we tend to lose bone density and muscle mass as we age, those over 65 may benefit from having a little higher BMI, between 25 and 27. 

It’s crucial to discuss healthy weight objectives and any dietary or exercise modifications with your physician. Fast weight loss and other short-term therapies won’t deal with the root causes of your weight increase or provide long-term answers. Nonetheless, there are efficient methods for reducing the amount of weight on your face, chin, and neck by making long-term, healthful dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

10 Strategies for Reducing Face Fat and Jawline

Here are nine ways to reduce jawline and facial fat.

  • Regularly do facial exercises.

Regular facial exercises can improve the appearance of thick scars on your face. A tight scar can be loosened and made to be less noticeable with its help. In addition, it strengthens muscles and enhances blood flow to the face. Among the well-liked facial exercises are

  • Smile exercise: For a few seconds, clench your teeth and maintain a broad smile.
  • Push your cheeks out to hold the air in your mouth during the cheek puff workout. Transfer the air between the two sides.
  • Lip exercises: Move your pucker from side to side after puckering your lips in the center.
  • Jaw-strengthening exercises include stretching your neck and pressing your tongue to
  • The efficacy of facial exercises for fat loss in particular is not well-established. The effectiveness of facial exercises in toning the facial muscles has only been discovered in one study thus far.
  • Drink plenty of water.
Drink plenty of water.
Drink plenty of water.

Drinking enough water is crucial for both your general health and fat loss on your face. Water before meals can help you feel fuller longer and aid in weight loss, according to studies. There is a significant decrease in the number of calories ingested during the meal.

According to some studies, drinking water can momentarily speed up your metabolism. Water consumption helps lessen fluid retention, which helps you avoid facial bloating and swelling.

  • Get more sleep and rest.

Sleep is essential for your general well-being. Conversely, weight gain may result from inadequate sleep.

  • According to studies, sleep deprivation can alter hormone levels linked to hunger and fullness.
  • Sleep deprivation can raise ghrelin levels, which increase appetite, and encourage binge eating.
  • Additionally, it may cause stress eating and lower levels of the hormone leptin, which is linked to feelings of fullness.
  • Therefore, getting enough sleep can assist reduce facial fat and avoid weight gain.
  • Cut back on salt intake.
Cut Back on Salt Consumption
Cut Back on Salt Consumption

Water retention is a result of the sodium in table salt. Consuming too much sodium can make the face and other areas of the body swell and puff out. You may appear to have more facial fat if you have a puffiness on your face.

Therefore, those who tend to retain more water must refrain from consuming excessive amounts of salt or foods that are high in salt.

  • Include a balanced diet.
indian diet plan for weight loss

The risk of acquiring too much weight is increased by diets high in processed foods and refined carbs.

  • Dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients have been stolen from processed foods.
  • After meals, blood sugar and insulin levels quickly rise due to the body’s easy breakdown of white rice, white bread, and foods produced with refined flour. Therefore, it’s critical to make room for healthy selections.
  • To lose extra fat on your face and body, try eating fresh, complete meals and getting frequent exercise.
  • In addition to being low in calories and high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables are also a great source of several nutrients and antioxidants that assist your body in eliminating toxins and boosting immunity.

Additionally, refined carbs have the potential to quickly raise blood sugar levels, which could lead to overeating.

Foods that include refined carbohydrates include:


Reduced-fat items, most breakfast cereals, spaghetti, white rice, white bread, sucrose syrups, and frostings

  • Restrict alcohol intake.

It is well-recognized that excessive alcohol use can lead to several health issues. The body would thus retain more water. Alcohol may also inhibit the hormone leptin, which can lead to binge eating, according to some research.

Drinking too much alcohol can dehydrate you and make your body retain water. In certain instances, this might result in facial water retention, which can give the face a swollen, puffy appearance.

While Cha acknowledges that not everyone’s skin will respond in the same way, excessive drinking can also result in other skin conditions like inflammation, acne, and premature aging, all of which can impact facial appearance: “Individual results may vary, and factors which include genetics, overall lifestyle, and beauty products regimen additionally serve significant roles in facial appearance.”

Alcohol consumption may also lead to weight gain. It has calories that are empty and have no nutritional value. Eating empty calories raises daily caloric intake, which encourages weight growth.

Alcohol may also decrease hormones that promote feelings of fullness, according to some research. A person may be encouraged to consume more calories as a result.

People who struggle to reduce weight or fat on their faces might want to think about cutting back on their alcohol intake.

  • Increase your intake of fiber.
High Fiber Foods
High Fiber Foods

Excess body fat is frequently the cause of additional facial fat. A person should aim to lose weight holistically because it is impossible to lose weight in one location. It is well-recognized that eating more fiber can aid in weight loss. Fiber keeps a person full for a long time since it is absorbed by the body and passes through the digestive system gradually. Adding fiber to your diet also stops needless cravings. 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day is the recommended daily consumption.
Here are some foods that are high in fiber:

  • Berries, avocados, and pears are examples of fruits.
  • vegetables such as parsnips, kale, and artichokes
  • Starches such as squash and sweet potatoes
  • Legumes include things like lentils, beans, and peas.
  • Seeds
  • Whole grains such as oats and buckwheat
  • Therefore, eating more fiber can help reduce facial fat and improve the jawline.
  • Engaging in aerobic activities
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic Exercise

It is well known that aerobic exercises increase metabolism and aid in weight loss. According to studies, women who do aerobic workouts have a higher chance of losing weight. Obtain 150–300

For the best weight loss, engage in minutes of moderate-to-intense activity each week. Cardio workouts could consist of:

  • Dancing and Running
  • Strolling
  • Swimming and Biking
  • Consider undergoing cosmetic surgery.

A cosmetic surgeon can use jawline-enhancing operations like CoolSculpting or chin tucking if nothing else works.

  • Boost your strength and cardio exercises.
Best Cardio For Fat Loss
Best Cardio For Fat Loss

Cardio and aerobic workouts can assist boost fat burning and weight loss, even though nutrition and calorie intake are some of the most essential elements in weight loss, including weight in your face. Increasing movement and obtaining exercise every day can be achieved through swimming, dancing, walking, and watching fitness videos.

Strength training can be just as important for older adults as aerobic exercises. As we age, we lose muscle mass, and losing weight can also cause muscle loss. Getting toned with resistance training or light weights can help prevent obesity and falls, improve balance, and provide other unexpected health benefits.

Is it possible to lose just facial fat?

The face may look thinner and avoid excess facial fat if excess body fat is lost and a reasonable weight is maintained. Nevertheless, it is not feasible to reduce fat in a particular location.

In actuality, regardless of the particular body part being worked out, fat cells that are stored throughout the body can be broken down and used as energy.

Therefore, rather than concentrating on losing fat from a specific place, like the face, it is preferable to reduce body fat overall through a balanced diet and lifestyle adjustments.

  • Avoiding too much face fat.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight through lifestyle modifications is the most effective strategy for preventing face fat. Compared to people who maintain a reasonable weight, those who are overweight or obese are more likely to have fat around their faces.

Here are some pointers for achieving or keeping a moderate weight:

  • Regularly working out and doing a lot of aerobic exercises.
  • Consuming fewer processed foods and a well-balanced diet full of entire fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.
  • Staying away from sugary beverages like juices, sodas, and energy drinks and drinking lots of water.

Here are some natural methods to give you a more sculpted, leaner face while also reducing that bothersome double chin and puffy cheeks.

  • Well-Balanced Diet

Eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is a fantastic approach to reducing facial fat. Eat a substantial, high-protein breakfast to sustain your energy levels and satisfy your hunger for the duration. Reduce your intake of fried foods, sugar, and salt because these foods raise blood sugar levels and generate excess body fat.

  • Hydration Is Key.

Water consumption increases metabolism, keeps you full, and lessens unexpected hunger attacks. Your body may store water in your cheeks and body as a result of consuming less water, which can lead to face fat. Drinking lots of water helps the body rid itself of toxic substances, which improves fluid circulation and lessens puffiness and bloating.

  • Get Plenty of Sleep.

Lack of sleep can cause your body’s cortisol levels, or stress hormone, to rise, which can lead to erratic eating patterns and an increase in body and facial fat. A healthy six to eight hours of sleep helps the body burn fat more quickly, which makes the body appear slimmer and reduces water retention.

  • Overall Weight Loss.

Excessive body fat accumulation can lead to face fat, which makes you appear fuller and puffier. Frequent exercise and the addition of cardio to the regimen can help reduce body weight overall, increase metabolism, and have noticeable effects on facial and body slimming.

  • Changes in Lifestyle.

Maintaining a healthy weight through lifestyle modifications is the most effective strategy to avoid face fat. Compared to someone who maintains a healthy weight, an overweight person is more likely to have fat around their face. Sharply chiseled features can be ensured by frequent exercise and a diet high in lean protein, entire fruits, and vegetables. Processed foods should be avoided.

  • Monitor Your Sodium Intake.

One of the main components that contributes to the body’s water retention, which manifests on the face, is sodium. Water retention can be avoided with a low salt intake, and the body becomes lighter as more water is expelled. It manifests on the face.

  • Refuse Sugar.

Reducing refined carbohydrates, such as sugar, is crucial in addition to calorie restriction. Unwanted fat on the face and around the belly has been connected to sugar. To reduce your sugar cravings, use stevia leaves or other healthy alternatives.

  • Effective Facial workouts.

Facial workouts are a great way to tone the muscles in your face and give it a more youthful, leaner appearance. Consider adding a few of these incredible workouts to your routine.

  • Lip Pull Exercise:

While your head remains motionless, extend your jawbones to try to raise your bottom lip as high as you can. Repeat 15 times, holding the position for 15–20 seconds each time.

Benefits: Include sharp jawbones, a pointed chin, and a complete facelift.

  • Chin Lift Exercise:

Lean your head back so that it faces the ceiling while you remain still. To put tension on the jawline, now draw your lips into a kissing position. Repeat ten times while holding the posture for fifteen seconds.

Benefit: The exercise works well to define the chin and jawline.

  • Fish Lip Exercise:
fish lips exercise
Fish lips exercise

Make your lips resemble a fish by sucking your lips and cheeks inside your mouth while keeping your head motionless. Hold this pose for 15 to 20 seconds, then do it 20 times.

Benefit: By stretching and toning the cheek muscles, the fish lip exercise makes the face appear thinner.

  • Jaw Release Exercise:
Exercise for Jaw Release
Exercise for Jaw Release

Try to simulate chewing your meal by closing your mouth while sitting in a neutral position. After 20 seconds, take a break and do this ten to fifteen times.

Benefit: By reducing double chins, the workout will create a more attractive jawline.

  • Mouthwash Exercise:
Mouthwash Exercise
Mouthwash Exercise

Try filling your mouth with air and pretending that you are using a mouthwash by moving the air from one side of your cheek to the other. After 15 seconds of continuous workout, rest, and repeat ten times.

Benefit: This method will also give you a carved jawline and tone your cheek muscles.

  • Positions for Yoga

Yoga poses are a natural, long-lasting, painless method of slimming the face, even though they might not be as quick as other activities. If done correctly, the yoga poses listed below are guaranteed to provide beneficial effects.

  • Silent Pose (Simcha Mudra)

Get down on all fours, place your hands on your thighs, and kneel. Keep your lips open and forcefully extend your tongue downward toward your chin. Make a sound from down your throat that sounds like a lion’s roar while you breathe through your mouth. Do the workout five times.

Benefits: The lion position strengthens the muscles around the thyroid glands in addition to toning and stretching the face.

  • The Locked Tongue Pose, or Java Bandha

Put yourself in the pad asana position. Place your hands on your thighs in a comfortable position. As though you were trying to swallow it, try bringing the tip of your tongue toward the rear of your mouth. Try opening your mouth wide until you feel the muscles in your neck and throat extend while your tongue is at the back of your mouth. After a minute of relaxation, repeat five times.

Benefits: The locked tongue stance gives you a chiseled face and a sculpted jawline while also being incredibly effective at exercising all of your facial muscles.

In conclusion

In general, maintaining a moderate weight is the greatest strategy to avoid and minimize facial fat. By making dietary changes, exercising frequently, and getting the recommended amount of sleep, people can do this.

When it comes to reducing excess body fat, cardio exercises are especially helpful. Generally speaking, losing weight should make the face look thinner.

A person may want to speak with a personal trainer, dietitian, or physician if they are having trouble losing weight. Before making significant dietary or activity modifications, people should always see a doctor.


How can I lose face fat quickly?

While there’s no quick or healthy way to decrease facial fat in only a week, you can lessen puffiness and bloating to look your best for a big occasion. Limit alcohol and salt, which can cause water retention, use cold compresses or ice rollers to reduce swelling, and stay hydrated to help flush out extra sodium. Prioritize a restful night’s sleep and choose anti-inflammatory foods like cucumber and green tea.

How can I reduce my jawline and face fat?

The most efficient and long-lasting method of reducing facial fat may be to concentrate on overall fat loss. Do facial exercises…. incorporate cardio into your routine…. drink more water…. cut away from refined carbohydrates…. get enough sleep…. monitor your sodium intake…. eat more fiber.

How can a plump face be eliminated?

Regular exercise, a diet high in whole fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed and sugary meals, and drinking plenty of water are all effective strategies to lose facial fat. A person can lose weight and get a smaller face by making additional dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

Why isn’t my body getting fat, but my face?

Where your body stores the majority of its fat is influenced by your genes. Some people are genetically prone to accumulating fat deposits in their cheeks rather than other areas of their body. This is why gaining weight may cause your face to appear fuller but not the rest of your body.

How do I reduce the size of my chin in two weeks?

The only quick fix for a double chin is surgery, which isn’t always quick because recuperation time must be taken into consideration. If weight gain is the problem, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet is the best approach to lose it.

Will the fat on your face disappear?

The truth is that reducing body fat is closely related to reducing facial fat. In essence, we will gradually observe a drop in facial fat as we reduce our body fat through a mix of food, exercise, and lifestyle modifications.

How can I lose weight without working out?

The following useful advice can help you reduce weight and abdominal fat without working out:
Reduce Your Consumption of Sugar… Increase Your Diet’s Protein and Fiber Content…
Invest in foods and beverages that burn fat.
Make sure you get enough rest.
Try using medications for weight loss, such as tripeptide and semifluid.
Use results to target stubborn belly fat.


  • D, D. J. P. (2022, August 4). How do I lose face fat and jawline? 9 tips and surgery. Medicine Net. https://www.medicinenet.com/how_do_i_lose_face_fat_and_jawline/article.htm
  • Basu, S. (2024, May 23). 5 incredible ways to get rid of face fat. Net meds. https://www.netmeds.com/health-library/post/5-incredible-ways-to-get-rid-of-face-fat#:~:text=Well%2DBalanced%20Diet:%20A%20great%20way%20to%20lose,satiate%20your%20hunger%20for%20a%20long%20time.
  • Fletcher, J. (2023b, September 11). What to do to reduce facial fat. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326262
  • Hayes, K. (2024, November 26). How to lose weight in your face. AARP. https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2024/how-to-lose-face-fat.html

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